Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Toll Of Selfishness

Motherhood is inward decline for selfish reasons The Cost of Selfishness

Selfishness is ruining our culture. God's Word offers a solution...

Motherhood is inward decline inward America, alongside ane inward 5 couples choosing to hold upward childless. 

Authorities predict this tendency volition acquaint enormous problems every bit the retired population increasingly outnumbers the piece of occupation force. 

Studies too demo that most adults acknowledge they wouldn't induce got inward their aging parents if they needed their help.

Not everyone who chooses to hold upward childless is selfish, nor is everyone who refuses to induce got inward a parent.(1)

But selfishness is such a potent run of American civilisation that I'm non certain we're able to recognize it anymore. 

It's causing enormous problems for our social club every bit a whole together with for each of us every bit individuals. 

But Christ calls us to something beyond ourselves:

"Do aught out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, inward humility value others higher upward yourselves, non looking to your ain interests but each of you lot to the interests of the others." Philippians 2:3-4 

And Christ helps us achieve anything He asks of us.
(1) We are talking near the norm, non the exceptions. Certainly at that topographic point are reasons that a duo cannot or volition non induce got children only every bit at that topographic point are reasons that a kid cannot or volition non induce got inward a parent, but inward full general these are the correct things to do.

Motherhood is inward decline for selfish reasons The Cost of Selfishness
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Motherhood is inward decline for selfish reasons The Cost of Selfishness