Saturday, March 27, 2021

Whiners As Well As Shiners

We all convey a alternative when nosotros facial expression upwards difficulties Whiners together with Shiners

We tin direct to quit complaining together with starting fourth dimension rejoicing...

I tin sometimes hold upwards a whiner. 

I tin encounter the drinking glass half-full or focus on the negatives inwards an otherwise positive situation. 

But I'm getting better. My married adult man thinks then anyway. 

Whining is similar staying inwards a night room with all the curtains pulled instead of letting the Sun smooth into our circumstances. 

Even when our circumstances are really dark, there's e'er stars inwards the night heaven if nosotros await for them. 

And when nosotros await for Light, nosotros reverberate it together with perish shiners instead of whiners. 

"For you lot were 1 time darkness, only forthwith you lot are lite inwards the Lord. Live every bit children of lite ... Do everything without grumbling or argument so that you lot may perish blameless together with pure, children of God without error inwards a warped together with crooked generation. Then you lot volition smooth alongside them similar stars inwards the sky" (Ephesians 5:8; Philippians 2:14-15). 

Wanna hold upwards a shiner? I do.

We all convey a alternative when nosotros facial expression upwards difficulties Whiners together with Shiners