Thursday, March 18, 2021

Trojan Equus Caballus Lie: I'm A Victim

Nowhere inwards Scripture does God excuse a homo Trojan Horse Lie: I'm a Victim

Nowhere inwards Scripture does God excuse a man's sins because of his life circumstances. 

But nosotros produce it all the fourth dimension because Satan has convinced us we're victims, non sinners. 

We blame our sins on insecurity, pathetic self-esteem, bad parenting, mistreatment, lack of opportunity, or hard circumstances. 

But God gave us a Biblical example that blows our victim mentality out of the water. 

It's the storey of immature Joseph (Genesis 37-50):
Raised inwards a menage unit of measurement of incest, murder, multiple wives, as well as jealous half-brothers. Sold into slavery. Thrown into prison theater past times a lying female. Separated from his abode as well as forced to alive equally a stranger inwards a infidel culture. 

He could receive got wallowed inwards self-pity, disabled amongst fearfulness as well as rejection. But he chose to produce the correct thing, forgive his offenders, trust God for his circumstances, as well as brand the best of his life. And that's what nosotros must get-go doing too. 

No ane is a victim when they're inwards Christ.*
*Please sympathise this inside the context of sin. I am non maxim in that place are no victims of criminal offence or abuse. I am maxim nosotros cannot excuse our sin past times maxim nosotros are victims.

To produce a Bite Size Study on this devotion, click HERE. (It simply takes v minutes.)

To read the others inwards the Trojan Horse Series:
Trojan Horses inwards the Church
Trojan Horse Lie: Loving Self First
Trojan Horse Lie: Happiness

See also: Self-Defense and Anatomy of Insincere Repentance.

Nowhere inwards Scripture does God excuse a homo Trojan Horse Lie: I'm a Victim