Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Two Times To Disobey

Someone in i lawsuit told me it was okay to role copyrighted cloth inappropriately inwards fellowship to p Two Times to Disobey

Someone in i lawsuit told me it was okay to role copyrighted cloth inappropriately inwards fellowship to promote Christian causes. He said, "At the terminate of the day, all that matters is that God is glorified."

He expressed a pop belief: The terminate justifies the means. 

But he's wrong. God cares near our methods every bit good every bit our results. For the Christian, the ends don't justify the means.

We tin together with should obey laws.

Scripture offers solely ii exceptions:

1. When a life is at stake.
Rahab lied to relieve the lives of the spies, together with God rewarded her. So saving a life mightiness involve violating a lesser constabulary of God.(1)

2. When we're commanded to disobey God.
The Apostles refused to quit speaking near Jesus when the government ordered it (Acts 4:1-22). So nosotros can/should disobey laws that foreclose us from sharing Christ, although nosotros produce together with thence at our ain risk. 

Romans 13:5 says, "it is necessary to submit to the authorities, non solely because of possible penalty but likewise every bit a thing of conscience." Our conscience should bother us if nosotros produce something illegal, unethical, or immoral. And nosotros can't justify it based on the results unless nosotros are saving a life or existence forced to disobey God's commands. 

God tests us inwards the piddling things (Luke 16:10), together with nosotros never glorify Him past times using ungodly methods to promote His kingdom.(2)
(1) The Old Testament likewise allowed killing inwards self-defense (Exodus 22:2).
(2) Using copyrighted cloth is a shape of stealing. Following copyright laws doesn't prohibit us from sharing the gospel.

For to a greater extent than on this subject, banking concern gibe out the devotion I invitee wrote from my friend Dawn's blog. It's called "God Wins All Wrestling Matches" together with talks near a fourth dimension when I almost broke the constabulary together with when I did interruption the law.

Someone in i lawsuit told me it was okay to role copyrighted cloth inappropriately inwards fellowship to p Two Times to Disobey

Bible Love Notes