Thursday, March 4, 2021

Does God Answer Stupid Prayers

The One Reason God Might Answer H5N1 Stupid Prayer Does God Answer Stupid Prayers

Have yous e'er prayed something as well as afterward wondered if you'd prayed the incorrect thing?

Perhaps the results weren't what yous expected.

Does that hateful God answered a bad prayer? 

Prayer is every bit good marvelous as well as mysterious for us to completely understand. But my Scripture written report reveals alone 1 argue God might answer stupid requests - to punish:

1. God gave quail to ungrateful, rebellious, complainers (Numbers 11).

2. God gave a manly mortal monarch to rebellious, worldly-minded people (1 Samuel 8).

Both requests were stupid as well as unbelieving as well as God answered them to punish rebellion.

The proficient intelligence is this: God looks on our hearts as well as never punishes us yesteryear answering a stupid prayer if our motives are good. So nosotros require non fright we'll pray the incorrect thing. We tin pray confidently as well as passionately, asset cipher dorsum from our all-knowing God.

"This is the confidence nosotros convey inwards approaching God: that if we inquire anything according to his will, he hears us." 1 John 5:14 

(1) See James 4:2-3

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The One Reason God Might Answer H5N1 Stupid Prayer Does God Answer Stupid Prayers