Thursday, March 4, 2021

There's No Away

"Someday you lot volition read inwards the papers that D.L. dead. Don't you lot believe a give-and-take of it! At that 2nd I shall live to a greater extent than live than I am now." D.L. Moody 

I intend it's strange that nosotros tell individual has "passed away." 

Environmentalists remind us when nosotros "throw away" plastics, there's no "away." 

The same is truthful for people. 

When nosotros die, nosotros "pass on" to something far meliorate or far worse. 

Hell--the house of eternal torment-- is non a pop subject. In fact, closed to Christians bring tried to believe it "away." 

But God's Word speaks clearly close eternal suffering.* And nosotros bring a serious responsibleness to warn those who don't understand.

Like Moody, Christians know the skilful intelligence that nosotros volition i twenty-four hr catamenia live to a greater extent than live than nosotros bring always been. 

We mustn't run along that skilful intelligence to ourselves.
*For a sampling of Scripture references to Hell: 
Scroll through this listing of vii passages inwards Matthew; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Jude 1:6 together with 1:23Scroll through this listing of 8 passages inwards Revelation

If you lot create create amongst the concept of Hell, I recommend you lot ask heed to this 10 infinitesimal video past times Francis Chan: the Hell Debate.

Today's Bite Size Bible Study volition await at the discipline of hell. Why non await at it HERE. It's a curt exactly nutritious seize amongst teeth of God's Word.