Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Soaked Soldiers

What a Group of Soldiers Taught Us About Living for Christ Soaked Soldiers

Fifteen years agone my married adult man helped amongst a curt term mission trip.

Uphill hikes amongst heavy packs inward the Mexican sunshine took the squad to remote villages where they shared Christ.

One morn they awoke to uncovering their tents, sleeping bags, as well as gear soaking wet. But in that place wasn't a unmarried complaint.

You see, this was no ordinary team. These Air Force Academy cadets had given upwards their saltation intermission to slumber inward these muddied tents.

They were soldiers on a mission, prepared yesteryear the rigorous Academy training.

And they are examples for all Christians:

"Endure hardship amongst us similar a skillful soldier of Christ Jesus. No ane serving every bit a soldier gets involved inward civilian affairs--he wants to delight his commanding officer." 2 Timothy 2:3-4

Since my Commanding Officer is Jesus, this is a reminder I need. How most you?

What a Group of Soldiers Taught Us About Living for Christ Soaked Soldiers