Monday, March 22, 2021

Should Happiness Hold Out Our Goal?

Many inwards the modern church building bring a faux thought of happiness as well as faux thought of what Christ off Should Happiness Be Our Goal?

This is business office of the Trojan Horse series - faux philosophies that bring come upwardly into the church building hidden inwards a Christian package.

Does God desire us happy? 

If happy agency "joyful" or "content," yes.*

If happy agency "having everything pleasant as well as comfortable," no. 

Holiness, non happiness, is God's destination for us.

Unfortunately, a lust for happiness has infiltrated the Church as well as encouraged us to hold upwardly anything simply holy.

We ...
  • Waste time.
  • Buy things nosotros don't ask as well as can't afford.
  • Mishandle responsibilities.
  • Pamper as well as excuse our children's selfishness. 
  • Neglect the needs of others.
  • Offer stingy gifts to God's work.
Seeking happiness breeds selfishness. I'm guilty at times, as well as and therefore are many of you. 

Today let's brand God's happiness our goal:

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers as well as sisters, inwards thought of God’s mercy, to offering your bodies equally a living sacrifice, holy as well as pleasing to God—this is your truthful as well as proper worship." Romans 12:1

*Biblical joy as well as contentment are non subject on circumstances. That's why Paul tin give the sack repeatedly beak close rejoicing spell he is inwards prison theater (Philippians).

Read the Introduction to the Trojan Horse series HERE as well as Trojan Horse Lie #1 HERE. And create a five infinitesimal Bite Size Bible Study on this prevarication HERE.

Many inwards the modern church building bring a faux thought of happiness as well as faux thought of what Christ off Should Happiness Be Our Goal?