Monday, March 22, 2021

Our Divine Translator - Can 16:13

Translation is a complex mixture of linguistic communication Our Divine Translator -  John 16:13

The Holy Spirit teaches, counsels together with reminds us of God's Words...

You ask a Translator! And together with then exercise I.

When I give seminars inwards Budapest, Hungary, my favorite translator is my friend Edina. 

Since she’s Hungarian, she knows Hungarian linguistic communication together with culture. But she’s too lived together with taught schoolhouse inwards America together with then she’s fluent inwards English linguistic communication together with has a proficient cognition of American culture. 

In addition, she’s a Christian, together with then she understands the Christian concepts I share. 

Good translation is a complex mixture of culture, grammer together with bailiwick matter. It’s far to a greater extent than than but knowing vocabulary. 

That's why nosotros ask a Divine Translator. The Holy 
Edina Translating for terminal year's Blog workshop
Spirit knows our linguistic communication together with God's linguistic communication (2 Corinthians 2:10-16), together with then He makes Christ's ways known to us (John 16:13), counsels, teaches together with reminds us (John 14:26). 

We’re born “foreigners” to God’s ways because nosotros accept a fallen human nature. We must depend on the Spirit who understands our civilization but Who’s fluent inwards the “culture” together with Words of God. 

If you'd similar to report the Holy Spirit a chip more, banking concern jibe out this week's Bite Size Bible Study HERE. And delight pray for side past times side month's blogging workshop--that God volition role it to heighten upwards Hungarian Christian bloggers to spread God's Word inwards Hungarian on the internet.

Artwork background: Billy Frank Alexander

Translation is a complex mixture of linguistic communication Our Divine Translator -  John 16:13