Monday, March 29, 2021

Trojan Equus Caballus Enemies Inwards The Church

 twelvemonth siege of Troy yesteryear entering the urban amount inwards  Trojan Horse Enemies inwards the Church

According to legend, thousands of years earlier Christ, the Greeks ended a x twelvemonth siege of Troy yesteryear entering the urban amount inwards a giant, hollow, wooden horse. 

The Trojans, thinking the Equus caballus a gift, brought it into the urban amount where enemy soldiers crept out at nighttime together with opened the gates for the Greek Army. What the Trojans idea was a gift was genuinely their destruction. 

Hence the phrase: Beware Greeks bearing gifts. 

Satan too has a Trojan Equus caballus filled amongst hollow philosophies that are destroying our agreement of God. And nosotros Christians possess got brought this Equus caballus into the Church thinking it's a gift.

These philosophies are based on human wisdom together with they appeal to our fallen human nature because they are self-focused, non God-focused.

That's why Scripture warns us: "See to it that no 1 takes you lot captive through hollow together with deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition together with the elemental spiritual forces of this globe rather than on Christ." Colossians 2:8

May God reach us strength to struggle these faux philosophies that possess got infiltrated the Church.

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The others inwards the Trojan Horse Series Include: 
"I Can't Love Others Until I First Love Myself"
"God Wants Me To Be Happy"
"I'm a Victim of My Circumstances"