Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Soaked Soldiers

What a Group of Soldiers Taught Us About Living for Christ Soaked Soldiers

Fifteen years agone my married adult man helped amongst a curt term mission trip.

Uphill hikes amongst heavy packs inward the Mexican sunshine took the squad to remote villages where they shared Christ.

One morn they awoke to uncovering their tents, sleeping bags, as well as gear soaking wet. But in that place wasn't a unmarried complaint.

You see, this was no ordinary team. These Air Force Academy cadets had given upwards their saltation intermission to slumber inward these muddied tents.

They were soldiers on a mission, prepared yesteryear the rigorous Academy training.

And they are examples for all Christians:

"Endure hardship amongst us similar a skillful soldier of Christ Jesus. No ane serving every bit a soldier gets involved inward civilian affairs--he wants to delight his commanding officer." 2 Timothy 2:3-4

Since my Commanding Officer is Jesus, this is a reminder I need. How most you?

What a Group of Soldiers Taught Us About Living for Christ Soaked Soldiers

Who Are You Lot Going To Believe?

 tells us to try a multitude of counselors Who Are You Going to Believe?

Seeking a multitude of counselors (Proverbs 15:22) doesn't hateful seeking until y'all notice 1 who agrees alongside you. 

It's 1 affair to tell nosotros trust God's Word. It's to a greater extent than or less other to obey God's Word when it's unpopular, hard or misunderstood past times our culture. 

There's no shortage of government who volition tell us to accept the slow way.  

Elisabeth Elliot gives to a greater extent than or less expert counsel for seeking counsel: "Here is a expert examination to apply to whatever of whom nosotros try counsel. Has this somebody stood inwards the council of the Lord? Seen Him? Heard His Word? Listened together with obeyed? Note the few who cause got genuinely paid a toll for their obedience ... these are the ones to follow ... Be cautious when the advice given makes y'all experience comfortable when y'all know you're genuinely wrong." 

It's wise to try counsel when making decisions or going through difficulties, merely it's extremely of import that nosotros try the right counselors. 
E. Elliot Quote: Keep a Quiet Heart, (Ann Arbor, Michigan, Servant Publications, 1995, pp 159,160.) 

Would y'all similar to practice a real brusque Bite Size Bible Study on this devotion? It's HERE.
 tells us to try a multitude of counselors Who Are You Going to Believe?
Why non add together to a greater extent than or less to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes together with larn a gratis e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

 tells us to try a multitude of counselors Who Are You Going to Believe?

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Right Together With Wrong

t pretend to know the exact trouble betwixt modesty together with immodesty Right together with Wrong

I retrieve we've lost impact amongst correct together with wrong. 

I've been vacationing this concluding week, together with I'm startled yesteryear swimsuit fashions. 

I don't pretend to know the exact trouble betwixt modesty together with immodesty, but some of these swimsuits aren't fifty-fifty exactly about the line. 

And this is solely 1 of many areas where our civilization has lost impact amongst morality. And that agency nosotros Christians must hold out to a greater extent than determined than ever to know God's Word. 

Our civilization is a powerful shape of "peer pressure" influencing us through books, TV, populace opinion, telling us what's "right" to wear, say, do, together with think. And civilization close ever appeals to our selfish, fallen human nature.

Romans 12:1-2 says nosotros can't empathise correct together with wrong--God's "good, pleasing together with perfect will" unless: 
1. We quit conforming to the culture. 
2. We renew our minds. 

This agency refusing to produce things exactly because they're popular/accepted together with studying God's Word to acquire what pleases Him. Please pray amongst me that Christians (you together with me included) volition quit conforming together with cash inward one's chips along renewing.

t pretend to know the exact trouble betwixt modesty together with immodesty Right together with Wrong

We Purpose The Give-And-Take Awesome Also Easily In Addition To Selfishly

ll conduct keep no give-and-take left when you lot desire to verbalise almost something actually interplanetary space We Use the Word Awesome Too Easily in addition to Selfishly

"Don’t role words likewise large for the subject. Don’t tell 'infinitely' when you lot hateful 'very'; otherwise you’ll conduct keep no give-and-take left when you lot desire to verbalise almost something actually infinite." C.S. Lewis 

Lewis understood a mutual writing in addition to speaking mistake: using large words when uncomplicated ones volition create in addition to using God-descriptive superlatives likewise liberally.

Awesome is mayhap the most misused. We role it for a delicious hamburger, for a loved one, for a opor-garai in addition to for God. 

Are nosotros crazy? God in addition to hamburgers?

The Definition of awesome: extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring bang-up admiration, apprehension, or fear. Synonyms: breathtaking, awe-inspiring, staggering... 

I don't intend anyone or anything is genuinely awesome except God. 

Wonderful, yes. Awesome, no. 

Maybe it's non important, simply I encounter our Christian civilization growing to a greater extent than in awe of ourselves in addition to less inward awe of God. And I wonder if we've grown to believe that "awesome" applies to things it doesn't. 

Sometimes wording matters. What create you lot think?

ll conduct keep no give-and-take left when you lot desire to verbalise almost something actually interplanetary space We Use the Word Awesome Too Easily in addition to Selfishly

Monday, March 29, 2021

Simple, Profound, True

s Anna Warner wrote a poesy form that her sis Susan included inwards 1 of her pop Christian  Simple, Profound, True

In the 1800’s Anna Warner wrote a poesy form that her sis Susan included inwards 1 of her pop Christian novels. William Bradbury discovered the poem, added a refrain, as well as pose it to music. 

The start 2 lines of the poesy form are mayhap the nearly good known of whatever Christian hymn: 

Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so. 

When Karl Barth, a well-known twentieth century theologian, was asked to summarize the nearly profound truths from the thousands of pages of Christian theology books he'd written, he said, 

“Jesus loves me! this I know, For the Bible tells me so.” 

Easy plenty for a tyke to understand, accurate plenty for a theologian. 

May I never forget this profound, magnificent, wonderful truth: 

Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so! 

"God loved the basis then much that he gave his alone Son, then that everyone who believes inwards him may non choke simply bring eternal life." John 3:16

s Anna Warner wrote a poesy form that her sis Susan included inwards 1 of her pop Christian  Simple, Profound, True

3 Ways To Avoid Friendly Burn Inward The Church

minute devotion tells us how to avoid this  iii Ways to Avoid Friendly Fire inwards the Church

Don't allow anyone speak y'all out of God's plans too purposes for your life...

Perhaps the saddest fatalities inwards whatsoever country of war are those caused yesteryear friendly fire. 

And possibly the saddest hindrance to Christian increment is besides "friendly fire."

There was a fourth dimension when that friendly burn downwardly came inwards the cast of rigid, self-righteous, hypocritical judgment, but that's rare today. 

I intend the most mutual friendly burn downwardly inwards the Church today comes inwards the cast of downplaying Kingdom move or holiness. 

In war, friendly burn downwardly comes from the gun of a frightened, confused, or uninformed soldier. The dead soldier never sees it coming because he trusts his comrade. 

When Christian friends speak us out of something God is guiding us to do, they are besides frightened, confused or uniformed nearly godly priorities too sacrifices. 

That's why nosotros must live on careful to: 

1. Test our thoughts/ideas/plans against the truths of Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16-17). 

2. Ask for prayer from those who are more dedicated than nosotros are (Eph. 6:18). 

3. And then, merely produce it! (James 1:22)

minute devotion tells us how to avoid this  iii Ways to Avoid Friendly Fire inwards the Church

Trojan Equus Caballus Enemies Inwards The Church

 twelvemonth siege of Troy yesteryear entering the urban amount inwards  Trojan Horse Enemies inwards the Church

According to legend, thousands of years earlier Christ, the Greeks ended a x twelvemonth siege of Troy yesteryear entering the urban amount inwards a giant, hollow, wooden horse. 

The Trojans, thinking the Equus caballus a gift, brought it into the urban amount where enemy soldiers crept out at nighttime together with opened the gates for the Greek Army. What the Trojans idea was a gift was genuinely their destruction. 

Hence the phrase: Beware Greeks bearing gifts. 

Satan too has a Trojan Equus caballus filled amongst hollow philosophies that are destroying our agreement of God. And nosotros Christians possess got brought this Equus caballus into the Church thinking it's a gift.

These philosophies are based on human wisdom together with they appeal to our fallen human nature because they are self-focused, non God-focused.

That's why Scripture warns us: "See to it that no 1 takes you lot captive through hollow together with deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition together with the elemental spiritual forces of this globe rather than on Christ." Colossians 2:8

May God reach us strength to struggle these faux philosophies that possess got infiltrated the Church.

You tin create a Bite Size Study on this devotion HERE

The others inwards the Trojan Horse Series Include: 
"I Can't Love Others Until I First Love Myself"
"God Wants Me To Be Happy"
"I'm a Victim of My Circumstances"

Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Toll Of Selfishness

Motherhood is inward decline for selfish reasons The Cost of Selfishness

Selfishness is ruining our culture. God's Word offers a solution...

Motherhood is inward decline inward America, alongside ane inward 5 couples choosing to hold upward childless. 

Authorities predict this tendency volition acquaint enormous problems every bit the retired population increasingly outnumbers the piece of occupation force. 

Studies too demo that most adults acknowledge they wouldn't induce got inward their aging parents if they needed their help.

Not everyone who chooses to hold upward childless is selfish, nor is everyone who refuses to induce got inward a parent.(1)

But selfishness is such a potent run of American civilisation that I'm non certain we're able to recognize it anymore. 

It's causing enormous problems for our social club every bit a whole together with for each of us every bit individuals. 

But Christ calls us to something beyond ourselves:

"Do aught out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, inward humility value others higher upward yourselves, non looking to your ain interests but each of you lot to the interests of the others." Philippians 2:3-4 

And Christ helps us achieve anything He asks of us.
(1) We are talking near the norm, non the exceptions. Certainly at that topographic point are reasons that a duo cannot or volition non induce got children only every bit at that topographic point are reasons that a kid cannot or volition non induce got inward a parent, but inward full general these are the correct things to do.

Motherhood is inward decline for selfish reasons The Cost of Selfishness
Why non add together around to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upward for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes together with move a costless e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Motherhood is inward decline for selfish reasons The Cost of Selfishness

Anatomy Of An Insincere Repentance

King Saul offers wonder insights into how non to comport Anatomy of an Insincere Repentance

1 Samuel 15 gives us a skillful bad-example:

King Saul is caught red-handed amongst plunder God commanded he destroy. Having violated the clear together with similar a shot orders of God, he:
  • Commends himself for obedience.
  • Excuses himself amongst lies.
  • Blame-shifts his sin onto his soldiers.
  • Claims his selfish plundering is an human activity of worship.
  • Finally admits guilt together with asks forgiveness of Samuel (not God).
  • Immediately shows the insincerity of his repentance past times cry for Samuel to award him publicly.
Why expect at this bad example?

Because insincere repentance is far to a greater extent than prevalent than sincere repentance, together with many of us employ these same techniques. 
  • We flatter ourselves amongst high views of our character.
  • Excuse sin based on our "good" motives.
  • Blame others (or societal pressures).
  • Remain arrogant. 
That's why 1 John 1:8-10 warns us: "If nosotros claim to survive without sin, nosotros deceive ourselves ... If nosotros claim nosotros convey non sinned, nosotros brand [God] out to survive a liar together with his give-and-take is non inward us." 

For a thorough expect at Saul's insincere repentance, create this 5-minute Bite Size Bible study: Good Sin together with afterward, read the Insights for the study.

King Saul offers wonder insights into how non to comport Anatomy of an Insincere Repentance
Why non add together around to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwardly for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes together with larn a costless e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

King Saul offers wonder insights into how non to comport Anatomy of an Insincere Repentance

Bible Love Notes

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Whiners As Well As Shiners

We all convey a alternative when nosotros facial expression upwards difficulties Whiners together with Shiners

We tin direct to quit complaining together with starting fourth dimension rejoicing...

I tin sometimes hold upwards a whiner. 

I tin encounter the drinking glass half-full or focus on the negatives inwards an otherwise positive situation. 

But I'm getting better. My married adult man thinks then anyway. 

Whining is similar staying inwards a night room with all the curtains pulled instead of letting the Sun smooth into our circumstances. 

Even when our circumstances are really dark, there's e'er stars inwards the night heaven if nosotros await for them. 

And when nosotros await for Light, nosotros reverberate it together with perish shiners instead of whiners. 

"For you lot were 1 time darkness, only forthwith you lot are lite inwards the Lord. Live every bit children of lite ... Do everything without grumbling or argument so that you lot may perish blameless together with pure, children of God without error inwards a warped together with crooked generation. Then you lot volition smooth alongside them similar stars inwards the sky" (Ephesians 5:8; Philippians 2:14-15). 

Wanna hold upwards a shiner? I do.

We all convey a alternative when nosotros facial expression upwards difficulties Whiners together with Shiners

Blame It On My Stove

hunting demonstrate well-nigh a duad searching for a feng shui abode Blame it on My Stove

I watched a HGTV house-hunting demonstrate well-nigh a duad searching for a feng shui home. 

Feng shui is a Taoist belief that homes accept "energy maps" that impact fortunes as well as relationships. This duad believed a stove placed across from the sink caused arguments.

Now, I'm inwards favor of setting upwards a solid efficiently, but feng shui is to a greater extent than than that. Like most simulated philosophies, it bases happiness on external things as well as requires rigorous rules as well as regulations amongst no moral basis. 

Unfortunately, nosotros Christians tin plow over notice locomote simply equally ridiculous past times blame-shifting our sins onto people as well as circumstances. 

Christianity is the alone belief that adequately explains sin, spells out our responsibility, as well as shows our require for a Savior. 

"Come now, as well as permit us argue together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are equally scarlet, they volition locomote equally white equally snow..."  Isaiah 1:18

Only the God of the Bible makes that promise.

We tin plow over notice locomote assured that if nosotros accept arguments amongst solid unit of measurement members inwards our kitchen, it's a personal problem, non the placement of an appliance!

hunting demonstrate well-nigh a duad searching for a feng shui abode Blame it on My Stove

Bible Love Notes

When Y'all Sink Into Despair

Two things to arrive at when yous discovery yourself inwards a pit of despair When You Sink Into Despair

Two things to arrive at when yous discovery yourself inwards a pit of despair...

The eighteen hr move fourth dimension to Budapest is ever challenging, together with end calendar week it exacerbated my wellness problems.

The showtime nighttime inwards Budapest, likewise uncomfortable to sleep, I climbed out of bed together with into a pit of despair.

Maybe yous recall my devotion nearly my sis kicking me inwards the spiritual pants together with reminding me to read my ain devotions ("Thanks, Sis, I needed that!"). 

That nighttime I "kicked" myself:

1. I told myself the truth: I realized my hopelessness was produced past times lack of slumber ("Eat, Rest, Cry"). 

2. I took encouragement from the Great Cloud of Witnesses-- Our Cheerleaders): I remembered Joni, whose xl years inwards a wheelchair together with constant hurting haven't dampened her dearest or promise inwards Jesus.

The next night, I was inwards worse hurting that the showtime night, simply my spirits were restored. Our God comforts! (2 Corinthians 1:3-5)

Like Habakkuk, I chose to sing despite my circumstances: "I volition go joyful inwards the God of my salvation! The Sovereign LORD is my strength!" 

If you'd similar to arrive at the Bite Size Bible Study that accompanies this devotion, click HERE.

Two things to arrive at when yous discovery yourself inwards a pit of despair When You Sink Into Despair

Friday, March 26, 2021

Deceptive Evangelism

 Christians must non deport similar cultists Deceptive Evangelism

I late heard the testimony of a adult woman who spent several years inwards a "Christian cult."(1)

The get-go yr they taught things that agreed alongside traditional Christianity. But the mo year, afterward they felt their converts were committed, they began educational activity their foreign beliefs. The website of this item cult equally good leaves their foreign beliefs out of their introductory explanations.

I fright nosotros Christians sometimes practice the same when nosotros state people near Christ without explaining that He calls us to deny ourselves as well as alive for His purposes, non our own...or when nosotros state people knowing Christ makes life easier.(2)  

Like Paul, nosotros must live on careful that "the appeal nosotros brand does non jump from fault or impure motives, nor are nosotros trying to trace a fast 1 on [anyone]." 1 Thessalonians 2:3-4 

The gospel is God's plan, as well as nosotros must part it accurately, fully, as well as unashamedly without tricking anyone.


(1) "Christian cults" are those that part some similar beliefs alongside mainstream Christianity simply give equal or greater weight to non-biblical beliefs as well as present-day prophets. The give-and-take "cult" inwards this illustration does non hateful a grouping that brainwashes or forces people to practice things against their will. The 2 most well-known Christian cults are Mormonism as well as Jehovah's Witnesses. 

To read more: Is Mormonism a Cult?   What is Mormonism?
Weird Things Mormons Believe written past times sometime Mormons.  Jehovah's Witnesses inwards a NutshellWho are the Jehovah's Witnesses?

(2) It's truthful that trusting Christ gives us an internal peace as well as joy. But it equally good involves self-denial. And it tin convey persecution as well as attacks from Satan.

 Christians must non deport similar cultists Deceptive Evangelism

Bible Love Notes

Plead & Praise- The Psalmist's Trend To Bargain Amongst Injustice

s life was filled amongst injustice as well as His Psalms give us an event to follow when nosotros are thousand Plead & Praise- The Psalmist's Way to Deal With Injustice

When nosotros aspect upward injustice, nosotros tin produce similar the Psalmists as well as "plead as well as praise."

Years ago, my married adult man as well as I worked tirelessly for a ministry building exclusively to convey ane of the leaders spread lies nigh us. It was heart-breaking. 

Mistreatment happens to most of us, but King David's life was amount of it. His arch enemy, the ungodly King Saul, reigned inward State of Israel 42 years as well as made it his personal mission to discredit as well as kill David. 

Despite the years of unjust suffering, David never quit believing inward the judge as well as dear of the Lord. 

His Psalms are amount of pleas as well as praises. 

In Psalm 31, he explains he's similar "broken pottery," the verbalise contempt of his neighbors, as well as he pleads amongst God to quiet his enemies. 

But ever accompanying his misery are statements of faith:

"I trust inward you, O Lord ... My times are inward your hands ... How swell is your goodness."

Faith gave David an assurance nigh God's judge fifty-fifty when he couldn't encounter it. (Hebrews 11:1).

Are y'all beingness mistreated? Plead as well as praise.

s life was filled amongst injustice as well as His Psalms give us an event to follow when nosotros are thousand Plead & Praise- The Psalmist's Way to Deal With Injustice

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Trojan Equus Caballus Lie--Loving Self First

t dear others until yous showtime dear yourself Trojan Horse Lie--Loving Self First

I rarely require heed "love your vecino equally yourself" (Mark 12:31-32) without someone speedily adding, "but yous can't dear others until yous showtime dear yourself." 

Even though this regulation isn't institute inward this or whatsoever passage of Scripture,* it's fully embraced yesteryear many Christians. 

Mark 12:31 doesn't ascendency us to dear our neighbor's personality or convey warm feelings toward him. It commands us to process him amongst the same kindness in addition to consideration nosotros instinctively demo ourselves. 

Christianity is nigh putting God in addition to others first, non putting ourselves first. And focusing on others is actually one of the most effective ways to overcome our ain insecurities. (See Beatin' the Blues

Philippians 2:3-4 sums it upward this way: "In humility value others higher upward yourselves, non looking to your ain interests merely each of yous to the interests of the others." 

"Loving ourselves first" appeals to our fallen human nature merely it has no foundation inward Scripture. 
* Twisting Scripture is a mutual ploy of Satan. (See insights on His temptation.)

This is the showtime prevarication inward the Trojan Horse Enemy series. You tin read the intro to this serial HERE. If yous desire to report to a greater extent than Scripture related to self-love , cheque out my Self-Esteem Posts. You tin create a v infinitesimal Bite Size Bible Study on this devotion HERE.

t dear others until yous showtime dear yourself Trojan Horse Lie--Loving Self First

Important Fundamental To Overcoming Worry - Matthew 6:34

t overcome worry without applying the regulation inward Matthew  Important Key to Overcoming Worry - Matthew 6:34

"Worrying is carrying tomorrow's charge amongst today's strength- carrying 2 days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” ― Corrie x Boom 

If y'all intend I've written a few other Bible Love Notes close Matthew 6:34, you'd survive right. 

"Therefore produce non worry close tomorrow, for tomorrow volition worry close itself. Each twenty-four hours has plenty problem of its own." 

I dear the brilliant, God-anointed regulation inward Matthew 6:34. But I require to survive reminded of it. 

Part of Christian increment is reminding ourselves of God's principles regularly. Paul says this inward Philippians 3:1: "It is no problem for me to write the same things to y'all again, as well as it is a safeguard for you."

So, friends, tin y'all handgrip life's problems for the adjacent 24 hours? Then I desire to remind y'all that's all y'all require to do. God volition give y'all novel pull each day.

t overcome worry without applying the regulation inward Matthew  Important Key to Overcoming Worry - Matthew 6:34

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

One To A Greater Extent Than Solar Daytime Inwards Paradise

 surrounded past times swaying palms in addition to tropical flowers amongst balmy breezes softening the sunny w One More Day inwards Paradise

Ahhhhh ... Relaxing amongst my toes inwards the sand, surrounded past times swaying palms in addition to tropical flowers amongst balmy breezes softening the sunny warmth. 

Each morn of opor-garai I've prepared myself for provide to normal life: "five to a greater extent than days inwards paradise...four to a greater extent than days inwards paradise..." reminding myself our fourth dimension inwards this paradise is limited. 

But i 24-hour interval I'm going to alive inwards paradise sum time. 

Lovely places on populace are reminders of God's dear for beauty. And our peace-filled opor-garai is a reminder of our time to come peace-filled paradise (Hebrews 4).

May nosotros alive our short, fleeting lives of work, difficulty, in addition to hardship to glorify the Savior who's preparing our permanent paradise--a house where we'll meet Him aspect upward to aspect upward in addition to never necessitate to count off the days earlier nosotros move out (1 Corinthians 13:12). 

*as good every bit the Colorado Rockies, the Croation coastline, the Grand Canyon, etc.

Can I inquire you lot two favors? 
1. Could you lot "like" the Bible Love Notes FB page HERE
2. Could you lot "like" in addition to "share" the images, quotes, Scriptures, in addition to links that I transportation on the FB page whenever you lot similar them? When you lot create this, you lot expand the make of Bible Love Notes in addition to God's Word. Bless you lot in addition to thanks! Gail : )

 surrounded past times swaying palms in addition to tropical flowers amongst balmy breezes softening the sunny w One More Day inwards Paradise

Rescued Junk Similar Me

purpose things from the junk piles of life Rescued Junk Like Me

God re-purposes our lives for His glory...

The Hungarians schedule periodic alternative upwardly of larger trash items when people tin build clean out attics in addition to storerooms in addition to position large piles of junk on the curbside. 

When nosotros lived inward Budapest, I enjoyed these "junking days." 

I genuinely constitute unopen to existent "treasures"and re-purposed in addition to enjoyed them inward my home. I similar things retrieved from their 'former life.'

Some mightiness intend it's miserable to salve junk, precisely non God.

He willingly humbled Himself to salve "junk" similar me from the pile of unbelief.

Even though all of us turned away in addition to became "worthless" (Romans 3:12), God "gave upwardly his divine privileges; he took the humble seat of a slave ... in addition to died a criminal’s decease on a cross"  in lodge to salve us (Philippians 2:6-8).

I'm then grateful He picked me upwardly from that trash pile in addition to re-purposed me inward His service. How nearly you? 

purpose things from the junk piles of life Rescued Junk Like Me

God-Approved Boasting

 Tells Us What God Wants Us To Boast About God-Approved Boasting

I was a jump-rope champion inwards seventh degree gym. I won a water-safety verse contender that same year.(1) My boss inwards high schoolhouse gave me a plaque maxim I was 1 of his best waitresses. 

Pretty paltry awards, aren't they?

I don't accept much to boast virtually inwards worldly terms. I'm non expert at sports, as well as my homemaking career was satisfying only non award-winning. 

Maybe that's why Jeremiah 9:23-24 is 1 of my favorite passages. It offers anyone a jeopardy to boast virtually the best of the best: 

"Thus says the LORD, 'Let non a wise homo boast of his wisdom, as well as allow non the mighty homo boast of his might, allow non a rich homo boast of his riches; only allow him who boasts boast of this, that he understands as well as knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises lovingkindness, judge as well as righteousness on earth; for I please inwards these things,' declares the LORD."(2)

May this endure my boast as well as yours. 

(1)  Want to bespeak heed my award-winning seventh degree water-safety poem? 
While swimming inwards your favorite pools, 
Be certain to follow security rules. 
And if you lot follow every one, 
You're swimming volition endure extra fun.
(2) Paul quotes this passage inwards 2 Corinthians 10:17

 Tells Us What God Wants Us To Boast About God-Approved Boasting

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Did Paul Write Role Of The Bible?

People sometimes give-up the ghost confused as well as outset acting similar they are quoting Paul when they aren Did Paul Write Part of the Bible?

Todd was a seeker, but 1 solar daytime he challenged a Scriptural regulation I shared alongside his wife. 

When I gave him the reference, he said, "Well, that was simply Paul's betoken of view, non God's." 

I explained that Paul wasn't writing his words when he wrote the Epistles, he was writing God's. 

Todd was really confused, but to a greater extent than or less people role Todd's declaration to ignore passages they don't like. I've really heard Christians say Paul was young or solely had partial noesis when he wrote something! 

It's truthful that Paul's words weren't perfect; but the Epistles are non Paul's words. 

In 2 Peter 3:16, Peter said that Paul's letters "contain to a greater extent than or less things that are difficult to understand, which ignorant as well as unstable people distort, every bit they produce the other Scriptures..." 

What a comfort to know that the Bible was written past times men who "spoke from God every bit they were carried along past times the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:21).

See too 2 Timothy 3:16.

People sometimes give-up the ghost confused as well as outset acting similar they are quoting Paul when they aren Did Paul Write Part of the Bible?

High Five, Jeremiah!

 I Want to Give You a High Five When I Get to Heaven High Five, Jeremiah!

When I transcend to heaven, I desire to give Jeremiah a hug or a high 5 or whatever you lot practise inwards sky to give thank you lot mortal for their witness. 

Jeremiah spoke God's difficult truths when virtually of those who called themselves God's prophets were speaking soft, comforting words (Jeremiah 14:13-14). 

Jeremiah 20:8-9 is a passage that makes me desire to cry in addition to cheer at the same time: 

"I am ridiculed all 24-hour interval long; everyone mocks me. Whenever I speak, I cry out proclaiming violence in addition to destruction. So the give-and-take of the Lord has brought me insult in addition to reproach all 24-hour interval long. But if I say, 'I volition non call his give-and-take or utter anymore inwards his name,' his give-and-take is inwards my pump similar a fire, a burn downward near upward inwards my bones. I am weary of asset it in; indeed, I cannot." 

May nosotros convey such devotion to God's Word equally this prophet who was beaten, imprisoned in addition to rejected for it. 

 I Want to Give You a High Five When I Get to Heaven High Five, Jeremiah!
Why non add together approximately to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion similar this 1 delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upward for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes in addition to transcend a costless e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

 I Want to Give You a High Five When I Get to Heaven High Five, Jeremiah!

Monday, March 22, 2021

Our Divine Translator - Can 16:13

Translation is a complex mixture of linguistic communication Our Divine Translator -  John 16:13

The Holy Spirit teaches, counsels together with reminds us of God's Words...

You ask a Translator! And together with then exercise I.

When I give seminars inwards Budapest, Hungary, my favorite translator is my friend Edina. 

Since she’s Hungarian, she knows Hungarian linguistic communication together with culture. But she’s too lived together with taught schoolhouse inwards America together with then she’s fluent inwards English linguistic communication together with has a proficient cognition of American culture. 

In addition, she’s a Christian, together with then she understands the Christian concepts I share. 

Good translation is a complex mixture of culture, grammer together with bailiwick matter. It’s far to a greater extent than than but knowing vocabulary. 

That's why nosotros ask a Divine Translator. The Holy 
Edina Translating for terminal year's Blog workshop
Spirit knows our linguistic communication together with God's linguistic communication (2 Corinthians 2:10-16), together with then He makes Christ's ways known to us (John 16:13), counsels, teaches together with reminds us (John 14:26). 

We’re born “foreigners” to God’s ways because nosotros accept a fallen human nature. We must depend on the Spirit who understands our civilization but Who’s fluent inwards the “culture” together with Words of God. 

If you'd similar to report the Holy Spirit a chip more, banking concern jibe out this week's Bite Size Bible Study HERE. And delight pray for side past times side month's blogging workshop--that God volition role it to heighten upwards Hungarian Christian bloggers to spread God's Word inwards Hungarian on the internet.

Artwork background: Billy Frank Alexander

Translation is a complex mixture of linguistic communication Our Divine Translator -  John 16:13