Friday, January 1, 2021

If The Public Is Non Your Home....

esteem philosophies contradict Scripture If The footing is Not Your Home....

I've written most ways self-esteem philosophies contradict Scripture, but they appeal to our ego then the public embraces them.

In fact, the public teaches that the meliorate your self-esteem, the meliorate individual you'll be.

However, show refutes this belief. 

Studies show that criminals typically bring high self-esteem because promoting self-esteem promotes narcissism (source).

Despite these studies, self-esteem teachings rest popular. 

As the public grows to a greater extent than selfish, entitled, ungrateful, in addition to discontent, Christians cope to alive past times Biblical principles.

We don't allow our thoughts to move captured past times these worldly philosophies because this public is non our home. We are but passing through. We are called to move temporary residents who esteem God, non self (1 Peter 2:4-12). 

If you're struggling inward this area, permit me brand or then suggestions:
esteem philosophies contradict Scripture If The footing is Not Your Home....