Friday, January 15, 2021

Be Prepared: Why Doesn't God Terminal Evil?

minute devotion offers an answer to the inquiry Be Prepared: Why Doesn't God Stop Evil?
Dear Christians, let's be prepared to answer this hard question:

Why doesn't God terminate the terrible evil inwards our world?

First, let's pose evil inwards context: Death, decay, sickness, natural disasters, too sinful men are all results of the Fall. Adam's sin damaged God's perfect earth (Genesis 3). 

Next, let's pose evil inwards perspective: Life involves suffering, only life is curt compared to eternity (2 Corinthians 4:8-18).

Finally, let's inquire ourselves the same question: What are nosotros doing to terminate evil?

If we're honestly concerned nearly evil, we'll bargain alongside evil inwards ourselves past times trusting Christ too letting Him transform us (Romans 12:1-2). This won't answer all our questions nearly evil, only it volition give us comfort inwards our suffering too hence nosotros tin aid others (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

And it volition give us a human relationship alongside the God who hates evil too hence much that He suffered too died on a Cross to gratuitous us from sin too give us an eternity of joy (John 3:16; Revelation 21:1-8).


See also: Why is in that place Senseless Suffering? too Understanding Why Satan Has Power.

To encounter all fourteen questions inwards this series, cheque out the Be Prepared Archive.

minute devotion offers an answer to the inquiry Be Prepared: Why Doesn't God Stop Evil?
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minute devotion offers an answer to the inquiry Be Prepared: Why Doesn't God Stop Evil?