Thursday, January 28, 2021

A Psalm To Pray For The Oppressed

God expects us to utter upward for the oppressed...

I'm peculiarly disturbed yesteryear the growth inwards human trafficking inwards our world. It's a perverse evil to role human lives without consider for God or human being (Psalm 10:6-1).

My pump breaks for the victims, simply I frequently don't know how to pray.

Psalm 10 is a perfect prayer for human trafficking victims or victims of whatsoever oppression. 

Verse 15 asks God to punish those whose sins are "underground"-- concealed from the public, sins against the fatherless as well as oppressed (v.18). 

God doesn't halt all oppression, simply He promises the close severe penalization for those who terms children (Mark 9:42) as well as calls all of us to utter upward for those who cannot defend themselves (Proverbs 31:8). 

One means nosotros tin produce our business office is to pray. Why non pray through Psalm 10:12-15 today (or every day) as well as utter upward for those who cannot utter upward for themselves. 

God expects us to utter upward for the oppressed H5N1 Psalm to Pray for the Oppressed
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God expects us to utter upward for the oppressed H5N1 Psalm to Pray for the Oppressed