Saturday, January 30, 2021

When The Bible Is Tested For Accuracy

Notes these ways ancient manuscripts are evaluated together with come across how the Bible measures upwards When the Bible is Tested for Accuracy

In judging the accuracy of ancient manuscripts similar the writings of Plato together with Homer, government evaluate 2 things: 

1. How many copies are available for comparison inconsistencies. 

2. When was the re-create made (i.e. how long afterward the original).

Most ancient manuscripts convey nether 10 copies together with appointment chiliad addition years afterward their originals. 

But there's 1 that stands solitary equally if Someone had guaranteed it would live on inwards a higher house doubt. 

It has:
  • 5,750 ancient manuscripts inwards the master copy language
  • 25,000 inwards other languages
  • 1 manuscript dated 300 years afterward the master copy writing
  • 1 business office of the manuscript dated 35 years afterward the original
When compared, all manuscripts are equivalent except for rattling minor, insignificant differences. 

If you lot haven't already guessed, it's the New Testament. 

Isn't it ironic that despite these proofs, to a greater extent than people incertitude the validity of the Bible than whatever other ancient manuscript? 

"The grass withers together with the flowers fall, only the discussion of our God endures forever." Isaiah 40:8 

Source: Skeptics Answered past times D. James Kennedy

Notes these ways ancient manuscripts are evaluated together with come across how the Bible measures upwards When the Bible is Tested for Accuracy
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Notes these ways ancient manuscripts are evaluated together with come across how the Bible measures upwards When the Bible is Tested for Accuracy