Friday, January 8, 2021

3 Ways To Hand Your Agenda To The Lord

 ways to surrender our agenda in addition to sit down at Christ iii Ways to Give Your Agenda to the Lord

“Lord, don’t y'all aid that my sis has left me to produce the move myself? Tell her to aid me!” Luke 10:40

My natural inclination is to empathise alongside Martha in Luke 10:38-42. Who likes beingness stuck inwards the kitchen piece your sis relaxes alongside guests? But Jesus rebuked Martha.

It was a sweetness rebuke--The doubling of her refer was a cast of endearment (Luke 10:41). He wanted her fellowship to a greater extent than than a fancy meal.

I promise Martha decided to serve pita sandwiches, took off her apron in addition to plopped downward side yesteryear side to Mary at Jesus' feet. We tin sack produce the same by:

1. Welcoming "divine interruptions" inwards our day. 
See Divine Interruptions.

2. Simplifying in addition to prioritizing our schedules. Busyness is oft motivated yesteryear pride in addition to immaturity.
See Christian Time Management
3. Seeking get-go the things of God in addition to letting Him move out the residual (Matthew 6:33).
See Give Careful Thought to Your Ways.

If God asks, volition y'all surrender your agenda today in addition to sit down on the floor?
© copyright Gail Burton Purath, 2011

If y'all haven’t read the story of Mary in addition to Martha, it’s merely five verses: Luke 10:38-42.
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 ways to surrender our agenda in addition to sit down at Christ iii Ways to Give Your Agenda to the Lord
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 ways to surrender our agenda in addition to sit down at Christ iii Ways to Give Your Agenda to the Lord