Monday, January 18, 2021

Alice Of The Brady Bunch Shares Her Organized Religious Belief Inward Jesus

 shared her Christian faith amongst our identify unit of measurement Alice of the Brady Bunch Shares Her Faith inwards Jesus
(If you lot similar this devotion, you lot tin sack sign upwardly for a gratis subscription to at the bottom of this post!)

"What variety of greedy am I?"

This enquiry haunted Ann B. Davis ("Alice" on the Brady Bunch) during the tiptop of her telly fame. 

She'd won the coveted Emmy, had a lovely Hollywood home,* together with coin to purchase anything she wanted. But she felt empty.

That's when Davis discovered that alone Jesus could satisfy: "I had it all," she'd country amongst a smile, "but God made me a ameliorate offer."

Ann stayed inwards our dwelling inwards 1984 when she shared her storey amongst our armed forces wives fellowship. 

She spoke nearly the fact that happiness does non come upwardly from career, wealth or fame. She had all of those things, simply she was non content until she constitute Jesus (John 10:10).

Ann's humble mental attitude together with cheerful spirit made her a joy to convey inwards our home.

"God has no taste!" she would laugh, "He loves everybody. We are stuck amongst the dearest of the Creator of the Universe!"

Ann went to run across her Creator face-to-face on Sunday, June 1, 2014.

*Ann gave upwardly her dwelling to alive inwards an Episcopalian community for most of her life. She was 88 when she died.

 shared her Christian faith amongst our identify unit of measurement Alice of the Brady Bunch Shares Her Faith inwards Jesus

If you lot would similar to read the 1984 article I wrote for the local Leavenworth, KS paper nearly Ann's visit, click HERE.

 shared her Christian faith amongst our identify unit of measurement Alice of the Brady Bunch Shares Her Faith inwards Jesus
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 shared her Christian faith amongst our identify unit of measurement Alice of the Brady Bunch Shares Her Faith inwards Jesus