Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Compound Sentences

minute devotion offers an interesting facial expression at Paul Compound Sentences

Paul oft used chemical compound sentences.

He explained what was going on from 2 perspectives.

Sometimes I immature lady the 2d perspective. 

Here's an example:

"We are pressed on every side past times troubles, but nosotros are non crushed."
" We are perplexed, but non driven to despair."
" We are hunted down, but never abandoned past times God."
" We larn knocked down, but nosotros are non destroyed."
2 Corinthians 4:8-9

We tin dwell on what's going on: "We're suffering amongst many trails, perplexed, hunted, together with knocked down. period."

BUT the most of import truths are subsequently the "buts": "We are non crushed, non driven to despair, non destroyed, together with never abandoned past times God."

If nosotros alone role uncomplicated sentences (i.e. alone speak together with intend nigh what's going on), nosotros tin facial expression to last discouraged together with defeated.

If nosotros desire peace together with strength, nosotros must speak inwards chemical compound sentences.
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minute devotion offers an interesting facial expression at Paul Compound Sentences
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minute devotion offers an interesting facial expression at Paul Compound Sentences