Monday, January 18, 2021


 And God used the most wonderful grouping of women to disciple me Community

When I became a Christian, I was a 23-year-old military machine wife, meaning alongside my 2nd child. And God used the most wonderful grouping of women to disciple me.

I volition hold upward forever grateful for that Bible written report at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, which included sisters from dissimilar denominations, babe in addition to mature Christians, teachers in addition to friends. 

You see, God has this wonderful matter called "community" where everyone plays a part. 

In small-scale groups, new believers remind us of our "first love"-- the excitement of the life-changing sense of coming together the Lord for the rootage time. "peer mentors" assistance us travel through similar problems, in addition to mature Christians who "coach" us to pursue stronger faith.

"Let us consider how nosotros may spur 1 approximately other on toward dear in addition to proficient deeds, non giving upward coming together together, every bit approximately are inward the habit of doing, but encouraging 1 another" Hebrews 10:24-25

This was that 1st Bible study. I'm left bottom alongside large glasses.
Most people don't accept the create goodness of one-on-one discipleship, but a grouping volition create simply fine! 

Are y'all purpose of such a group? Tell me close it inward a comment. 

 And God used the most wonderful grouping of women to disciple me Community
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 And God used the most wonderful grouping of women to disciple me Community