Monday, January 25, 2021

5 Tips For Slaying Giants

 tips for dealing amongst giant problems inwards our lives five Tips for Slaying Giants

The storey of David in addition to Goliath (1 Samuel 17) offers or in addition to then wonderful principles for slaying our "giants"- things inwards our lives that essay to destroy us, things similar sin, harmful thoughts, discouragement, in addition to attacks from Satan.

We confront spiritual battles daily in addition to these principles from the storey of David in addition to Goliath tin help:

1. Expect negative feedback when you lot endeavor to conquer a giant (Don't Listen to Doubters.)

2. Be faithful inwards the smaller, daily trials in addition to then you'll accept confidence to defeat the giants (When Little Things are Big Things.)

3. Use your gifts, no thing how insignificant they seem, only live on certain to combine them amongst faith (Small Stones Kill Giants

4. Respond to the enemy's trash talk amongst Truth Talk inwards God's name, non your advert (Trash Talk - Truth Talk.

5. Be proactive inwards your faith. Strike get-go (17:48-49).
Read a 1-minute explanation of this "weapon" here: Strike First!

If nosotros produce these things, God may purpose Satan's ain weapons to defeat him (17:50-51).

Would you lot similar to report this passage of Scripture? It's amount of activeness in addition to principles in addition to you lot tin uncovering the amount text on Bite Size Bible Study HERE.

 tips for dealing amongst giant problems inwards our lives five Tips for Slaying Giants
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 tips for dealing amongst giant problems inwards our lives five Tips for Slaying Giants