Saturday, January 30, 2021

A Storey Of A Heathen Civilization In Addition To Impossible Odds

s impossible for mortal from a infidel civilization to discovery Jesus H5N1 Story of a Pagan Culture together with Impossible Odds

Ruth, the Moabite widow, turned from infidel worship to follow the truthful together with living God.

Think close that.

Moab was known for their vile infidel gods.

How could mortal raised inward such a civilization discovery truth? 

Answer: God isn't express past times cultures, languages, or faux religions. His vocalism tin live on heard past times all truthful seekers.

"You volition assay me together with discovery me when you lot assay me amongst all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

From the beginning, God has been speaking to genuine seekers wherever they are found. (Remember Rahab?)

But nosotros must sympathise this distinction: God isn't a universalist. God saves people out of faux religions, non through them.

"Salvation is constitute inward no 1 else, for at that topographic point is no other mention nether sky given to mankind past times which nosotros must live on saved.” Acts 4:12

God is able to salve anyone!

Do you lot believe this?
For to a greater extent than on this dependent area read "Are There Many Ways to Heaven?"

s impossible for mortal from a infidel civilization to discovery Jesus H5N1 Story of a Pagan Culture together with Impossible Odds
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s impossible for mortal from a infidel civilization to discovery Jesus H5N1 Story of a Pagan Culture together with Impossible Odds

Bible Love Notes