Saturday, January 23, 2021

When Lilliputian Things Are Big Things

s victory against Goliath began alongside lilliputian things When Little Things Are Big Things

When nosotros know God, little things are large things.

That's because God determines our opportunities according to our faithfulness inward minor victories.

“Whoever tin hold upward trusted alongside real lilliputian tin likewise hold upward trusted alongside much." Luke 16:10

If nosotros desire to slay giants,* nosotros necessitate to "practice" on daily "enemies" first.

Before David fought the giant Goliath, he'd fought lions together with bears equally a shepherd. 

These smaller victories taught David he could trust God.

The Israeli soldiers were shaking inward their boots together with King Saul "knew" David couldn't defeat Goliath. 

But David explained that God had saved him earlier together with would produce it ane time to a greater extent than (1 Samuel17:32-37).

David's organized faith - the organized faith that killed Goliath - was formed showtime inward the shepherd's field.

Like David, if nosotros desire to slay our giants, nosotros likewise necessitate to start yesteryear slaying our everyday sins, doubts, together with discouragements.

*difficult trials, sin patterns together with attacks from Satan

You powerfulness savour roughly other 1-minute devotion related to this topic: The Devil is inward the Details.

s victory against Goliath began alongside lilliputian things When Little Things Are Big Things
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s victory against Goliath began alongside lilliputian things When Little Things Are Big Things