Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Living Dead Body Of Body Of Water Scrolls - Preserving God's Message

God goes to neat extents to save His Word as well as this number that occurred inwards  Living Dead Sea Scrolls - Preserving God's Message

A immature Bedouin shepherd throws a stone into a cave, hears breaking pottery, as well as discovers to a greater extent than or less of the most pregnant ancient documents e'er found.

The time: March 1947
The place: Qumran expanse on northwestern shore of Dead Sea

This truthful even out is a wonderful example of how God has preserved His Word throughout history.

In these as well as nearby caves, they flora older copies of Old as well as New Testament books than had e'er been discovered before. Where else could these ancient scrolls convey survived for 1900 years!

But that's non the most amazing part: when government compared these scrolls alongside scrolls previously discovered, at that spot were entirely slight variations "attributed to slips of the pen as well as spelling variations." The contents were otherwise identical.

Think nigh it: thousands of years, hundreds of scribes writing yesteryear hand, as well as the Bible remains the same. That's goose egg brusque of supernatural.

Sources: The Everything History of the Bible, Jeff Donley, Ph.D, copyright 2006, F&W Publications; 
The Dead Seas Scrolls 

If you'd similar to read a few to a greater extent than interesting facts nigh these scrolls, meet Bite Size Bible Study.

God goes to neat extents to save His Word as well as this number that occurred inwards  Living Dead Sea Scrolls - Preserving God's Message
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God goes to neat extents to save His Word as well as this number that occurred inwards  Living Dead Sea Scrolls - Preserving God's Message