Saturday, January 30, 2021
The Honest Meet
Simon Greenleaf (1783-1853), esteemed Harvard police line professor, admitted he didn't believe inward Christ's resurrection.
"Have yous considered the evidence?" a pupil challenged.
Greenleaf taught his students to written report all prove earlier making conclusions, together with then he undertook an honest written report of Christ's resurrection, constitute the prove compelling, together with became a Christian.
Dr. Francis Crick (1916-2004) won the Nobel Prize for discovering DNA.
He admitted deoxyribonucleic acid couldn't accept come upward nearly past times jeopardy together with said the root of life was "almost a miracle." However, Crick mocked Christianity the balance of his life.
The Bible tells us that people "suppress the truth ... because God has made it apparently to them. For since the creation of the basis God’s invisible qualities—his eternal ability together with divine nature—have been clearly seen, existence understood from what has been made, together with then that people are without excuse." Romans 1:18-20.
Let's give thank yous God that He has given us together with then many proofs of His existence together with goodness.
Sources: Francis Crick/WIKI; Greenleaf/CSI; Skeptics Answered past times D. James Kennedy
images: wiki commons, world domain
Bible Love Notes