Sunday, January 24, 2021

God Is Expert Fifty-Fifty When Circumstances Are Bad

We celebrated our anniversary as well as and then a human being stole my hubby God is Good fifty-fifty When Circumstances are Bad
God is faithful regardless of the circumstances...

My hubby as well as I locomote annually to Budapest, Republic of Hungary to attain ministry. Several years ago, nosotros celebrated our anniversary piece nosotros were there, as well as I was amount of gratitude. After twoscore years, we've had our ups as well as downs, simply nosotros are nevertheless best friends. What a will to God's faithfulness inwards the lives of 2 selfish, fallen people! 

That same year, the hateful solar daytime earlier our anniversary God's faithfulness every bit good glowed when my hubby had his wallet pick-pocketed on a crowded Budapest tram.

Nothing was recovered. We lost closed to coin as well as had the hassle of stopping as well as renewing credit cards as well as IDs piece overseas. 

So why attain I nation God's faithfulness glowed?

Because God is faithful all the fourth dimension regardless of circumstances, education us perseverance, edifice our character, as well as giving us promise inwards the happy ending waiting for us inwards heaven.

"Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; as well as character, hope. And promise does non pose us to shame, because God’s honey has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." Romans 5:3-5

So how are you lot experiencing God's faithfulness today?

We celebrated our anniversary as well as and then a human being stole my hubby God is Good fifty-fifty When Circumstances are Bad
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We celebrated our anniversary as well as and then a human being stole my hubby God is Good fifty-fifty When Circumstances are Bad