Sunday, January 10, 2021

Be Prepared: Isn't The Bible A Mythological Book?

 to answer questions close our religious belief such every bit Be Prepared: Isn't the Bible a Mythological Book?
Let's be prepared to answer questions close our religious belief such as:

Isn't the Bible a mythological book?

Recently person told me at that spot was no way Jonah could possess got survived inward the belly of a fish because the gastric juices would possess got killed him. 

My answer close this together with like Bible events (e.g. talking donkeys, parting seas, floating axe heads, healing of the blind) is this: they were miracles.

That agency God went against the laws of scientific discipline when He did them. By their rattling nature miracles aren't reproducible unless God Himself wishes to reproduce them. 

And miracles are important--if nosotros can't convey miracles, nosotros can't convey Christ.

Why? because " religious belief is confidence inward what nosotros promise for together with assurance close what nosotros hit non see" (Hebrews 11:1).  And faith is required for the most of import miracle of all: the resurrection of Christ from the dead, without which at that spot would live no salvation (1 Corinthians 15:12-22).

To meet all fourteen questions inward this series, cheque out the Be Prepared Archive.

 to answer questions close our religious belief such every bit Be Prepared: Isn't the Bible a Mythological Book?
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 to answer questions close our religious belief such every bit Be Prepared: Isn't the Bible a Mythological Book?