Sunday, January 24, 2021

3 Ways To Protect Yourself From Imitation Philosophies

GbjEdvYNrdEFnZhRIHLhKytlTLslkybpACLcBGAs three Ways to Protect Yourself from False Philosophies

Are nosotros to a greater extent than interested inwards protecting imitation ideas most Christ or knowing the Truth?

Bible-believing Christians oft bring imitation pedagogy if it's adapted to "Christianese"(1) together with repeated oft enough. In fact, unopen to of the most pop misconceptions inwards Christianity come upwards from using out-of-context Scripture verses or emphasizing 1 poesy at the expense of others.(2)

Half-truths are ever to a greater extent than unsafe than outright lies because they are easier to believe. That’s why Satan oft uses them (Luke 4:9-12). 

GbjEdvYNrdEFnZhRIHLhKytlTLslkybpACLcBGAs three Ways to Protect Yourself from False Philosophies We tin protect ourselves from imitation pedagogy by:

1. Studying Scripture regularly (2 Timothy 2:15). 

2. Testing everything with Scripture, fifty-fifty things nosotros listen from respectable Christians (Acts 17:11). 

3. Accepting Scripture fifty-fifty when it refutes something we've believed for years (Joshua 24:14-15).

Let’s last the variety of Christians who are to a greater extent than interested inwards knowing God’s persuasion than protecting our own. 
* using spiritual words together with phrases familiar alongside Christians
(2) See Pieces Parts for to a greater extent than helpful information on this problem

To await at unopen to of the imitation beliefs pop alongside Christians, banking concern gibe out Bible Love Notes "Myth Busters" Archive.

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