Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Can't Alive Without 'Em

The Great Commission inwards the script of "A.D.The Bible Continues":
"You volition live on my witnesses inwards Jerusalem as well as inwards all Judea as well as Samaria as well as to the ends of the earth. Go into the populace as well as preach the Gospel to all creation."

The actual Great Commission - Christ's terminal earthly message - is brief, concise, as well as powerful:

“All control inwards sky as well as on populace has been given to me. Therefore become as well as brand disciples of all nations, baptizing them inwards the elevate of the Father as well as of the Son as well as of the Holy Spirit, as well as pedagogy them to obey everything I accept commanded you. And for certain I am amongst you lot always, to the really halt of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

The television set series "A.D.The Bible Continues," missed several cardinal elements, only possibly the greatest is this:

Jesus, the Ultimate Authority, King of Kings as well as Lord of Lords is amongst His followers ever ... that's me ... as well as it's you, if you lot know Jesus.

I tin dismiss alive without the scripted words of actors, only non without the Words as well as presence of Christ.  How virtually you?


Despite my disappointment inwards the shortened version of the Great Commission, I accept enjoyed a publish of things virtually "A.D. The Bible Continues." If you lot accept been watching it, I would dearest to listen your observations. Please piece of employment out them inwards a comment.