Friday, January 15, 2021

4 Ways To Put Your God-Given Gifts

But when I managed as well as edited a devotional site iv Ways to Identify Your God-Given Gifts

Today's devotion compliments the devotion "You Can't."

My married adult man knows he's non a writer. 

He doesn't fifty-fifty similar texting. 

But when I managed as well as edited a devotional site, I learned non everyone understands their gifts similar my married adult man does his. Some folks  "set their minds" on writing, "believe inward themselves," as well as all the same aren't writers. 

And inward the process, they lose opportunities to utilisation their existent gifts. 

We tin waste materials our gifts pursuing "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, as well as the pride of life" (1 John 2:15-17). 

But nosotros tin too waste materials our gifts yesteryear failing to understand: 

1. Feedback--What produce friends as well as menage unit of measurement intend nosotros produce well? 

2. Failures--What stresses us? What produce nosotros produce badly? 

3. Opportunities--How has God developed as well as used our skills over time? (Hindsight.)

4. Desires--What brings us joy as well as purpose? This i is terminal because it's oft misleading. ("Faith vs. Feeling.")

Bottom line: nosotros tin produce all things through Christ! (Philippians 4:13).

How has God helped you lot recognize your gifts? If you're a subscriber, click the championship on this devotion as well as come upwards on site to acquire out a comment. If you're an onsite reader, delight acquire out a comment below. And delight own got a few extra minutes as well as produce the brusk Bite Size Bible study on this devotion.

But when I managed as well as edited a devotional site iv Ways to Identify Your God-Given Gifts