Thursday, January 28, 2021

3 Reasons Reincarnation Is Non Compatible Alongside Christianity

 Reasons Reincarnation is Not Compatible With Christianity three Reasons Reincarnation is Not Compatible With Christianity

Recently, 2 women tried to persuade me that a Christian could believe inwards reincarnation.

But they were dead incorrect (no pun intended).

Reincarnation is the belief that nosotros alive many lives until nosotros orbit perfection.

But reincarnation together with Christianity are completely incompatible:

1. Hebrews 9:27-28 says, "Just every bit people are destined to operate once, together with afterwards that to aspect upward judgment, then Christ was sacrificed ane time to accept away the sins of many; together with he volition look a mo time, non to send sin, precisely to select salvation to those who are waiting for him."

2. The Bible teaches that no ane tin orbit perfection, then it wouldn't affair how many lives nosotros live. 

3. Jesus died to salve sinners, together with the Bible makes it clear that alone those saved sinners volition last inwards heaven.

We get got 2 lives...our beliefs inwards the commencement life create upward one's take away heed our finish inwards the second.

I encourage yous to read "Have You Met a Perfect Person?" It contains a bully interrogation that a friend of mine asked a reincarnation advocate.

 Reasons Reincarnation is Not Compatible With Christianity three Reasons Reincarnation is Not Compatible With Christianity

Bible Love Notes