Wednesday, January 13, 2021

2 Steps Older - Growing Inwards Christ

Many Christians never grow yesteryear the babe phase 2 Steps Older - Growing inwards Christ

Many Christians never grow upwards (Hebrews 5:11-14).

They don't empathize their faith, too they depend on themselves or secular wisdom to larn through life. 

Other Christians grow at get-go but larn stuck inwards an adolescent stage of faith. 

No thing how long we've been Christians, nosotros quest to continue growing. 

If you lot experience you've stagnated, hither are two suggestions:

1. Pray for the wishing to grow. 

Ask God to tending you lot overcome your "unbelief" (Mark 9:14-24), too inquire Him to tending you realize your desperate quest for His Word. You literally cannot grow without it (Matthew 4:4Psalm 19:7-14Psalm 119).

2. Do something!

Commit to something, fifty-fifty something pocket-sized (e.g. v minutes daily Bible reading), too scout that investment grow similar the investments of the faithful servants in Baby Steps.)

It isn't rocket science--it's pretty basic: increment requires planning too perseverance. We've got to realize our quest too create something deliberate nearly it.

Why non add together simply about to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a gratuitous subscription to Bible Love Notes too larn a gratuitous e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Many Christians never grow yesteryear the babe phase 2 Steps Older - Growing inwards Christ

Bible Love Notes