Thursday, January 14, 2021

Contrite Or Making Excuses?

Do nosotros know what contrite agency in addition to why God favors the contrite Contrite or Making Excuses?

"When I recall I am holler for God to forgive me, I am often, inwards reality (unless I sentry myself really carefully) holler for excuse me...There is all the divergence inwards the basis betwixt forgiving in addition to excusing." C.S. Lewis

Contrite: "feeling or showing sorrow in addition to remorse for a sin or shortcoming."

Contrition is rare.

Excusing sin is common. 

And the Bible says that's why almost men are self-deceived: 

"If nosotros claim to live on without sin, nosotros deceive ourselves in addition to the truth is non inwards us. If nosotros confess our sins, he is faithful in addition to only in addition to volition forgive us our sins in addition to purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:8-9 

Contrition is a requirement for a closed human relationship alongside Christ, in addition to God values it highly: 

God declares, “These are the ones I hold off on alongside favor: those who are humble in addition to contrite inwards spirit, in addition to who shiver at my word" (Isaiah 66:2).

Not solely does genuine contrition give us a realistic persuasion of our sins, it every bit good brings refreshment to our souls (Acts 3:19).

May nosotros each appear upward our sins honestly in addition to uncovering favor alongside the Lord.

Do nosotros know what contrite agency in addition to why God favors the contrite Contrite or Making Excuses?
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Do nosotros know what contrite agency in addition to why God favors the contrite Contrite or Making Excuses?

Bible Love Notes