Tuesday, January 12, 2021

God's Dear Is Unreasonable

Just read the even out of the Ten Commandments  God's Love is Unreasonable

God is unreasonable!

Just read the even out of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20,24,32).

God carefully too lovingly warns the people by:
  • Calling them His “treasured possession”
  • Emphasizing His ability amongst thunder, lightning too glory
  • Speaking the 10 Commandments aloud to them
God has Moses confirm His commands: 
  • Writing them downwards too reading them 1 time to a greater extent than to the people
  • Sprinkling blood on the people every bit a reminder of their hope to God
The people:
  • Promise 3 split times to create all that God asks
Then Moses goes upward on the mount too God’s glory settles similar “a consuming fire.” But inside twoscore days time, the Israelites brand a golden calf too worship it every bit their god!

Unreasonable rebellion!

But non every bit unreasonable every bit God…He continues to dearest too direct these stubborn people to the Promised Land.

What an accurate film of human history…your history too mine…our unreasonable rebellion, God’s unreasonable love.
Let’s give thank you lot God today for beingness too thence unreasonable!

Just read the even out of the Ten Commandments  God's Love is Unreasonable
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Just read the even out of the Ten Commandments  God's Love is Unreasonable