Sunday, January 31, 2021

Saved Past Times Shoplifting

This truthful floor illustrates several wonderful truths from God Saved yesteryear Shoplifting

She was saved yesteryear shoplifting. 

When she told me her story, I was intrigued.

You see, when the Christian store possessor caught her shoplifting, he made the most of the chance (Colossians 4:5) as well as gave her 2 choices: Bible written report or arrest. 

She naturally chose Bible study, as well as it changed her life. 

Getting caught was the best matter that e'er happened to her (Romans 8:28). And the merciful store possessor non exclusively led her to the Lord only afterwards became her employer. 

That's salvation--it catches us red-handed inwards our sins as well as gives us a choice: pay the penalization of eternal expiry or induce got our house inwards the employ of our merciful Savior, taking upward His cross as well as next Him. (See Matthew 16:24; John 3:16.)

And those of us who select to follow Christ, are non exclusively saved, we're changed! Knowing Christ makes us apply things nosotros never idea nosotros could apply as well as hold upward a someone nosotros never idea nosotros could hold upward (2 Corinthians 5:17). 

It's the best matter that e'er happens to us! 

Can I larn an "Amen"? 

If you'd similar to apply a Bite Size Bible written report nearly this devotion, cheque it out HERE
This truthful floor illustrates several wonderful truths from God Saved yesteryear Shoplifting
Why non add together around to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upward for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes as well as larn a gratis e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

This truthful floor illustrates several wonderful truths from God Saved yesteryear Shoplifting

Can All Religions Coexist?

Be Prepared to respond questions most faith Can All Religions Coexist?
Scripture says "always hold out prepared" to explicate our faith, too then let's catch this question:  

"Why can't all religions hold out true?"

The give-and-take "COEXIST," using representations from the major Blue Planet religions, has cash inwards one's chips a pop slogan.

If it agency dissimilar religious people coexisting, it's possible. If it agency dissimilar religious beliefs coexisting, it's impossible. 


Because the major tenants of every faith are inwards conflict amongst every other. 

Two summation 2 cannot equal four, 5 too six. 

Truth is truth. It's non negotiable. 

Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, too the plethora of Hindu gods accept dissimilar explanations for mankind's greatest need. And they explicate man's salvation inwards ways that cannot hold out combined or unified.

To tell every faith is correct is the same equally proverb every faith is wrong.

Jesus is either God, the exclusively Way of salvation equally He claimed, or He is a liar too a fraud.  The same is truthful for the claims of all other religions.

How would you lot respond this question?

See also: Acts 17:22-31; 1 Corinthians 8:4-6; 1 Corinthians 10:19-20 .
To run across all xiv questions inwards this series, cheque out the Be Prepared Archive.

Be Prepared to respond questions most faith Can All Religions Coexist?
Why non add together around to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upward for a gratuitous subscription to Bible Love Notes too larn a gratuitous e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Be Prepared to respond questions most faith Can All Religions Coexist?

The Pharisees Had High Self-Esteem

Esteem Movement Actually Promotes H5N1 World of Pharisees The Pharisees Had High Self-Esteem

"American guild seems to believe that self-esteem is the cure all for every social ill, from bad grades to teen pregnancies to violence. But at that topographic point has been no bear witness that boosting self-esteem genuinely helps amongst these problems ... When people highly value self-esteem, they may avoid doing things such equally acknowledging a incorrect they did."* 

This quote is from a purely secular study. But it's interesting how clearly it confirms the truths of God's Word: 

The Pharisee inward Luke 18:9-14  was confident, secure too had high self-esteem:
"The Pharisee stood past times himself too prayed: ‘God, I give thank yous you that I am non similar other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or fifty-fifty similar this revenue enhancement collector.'"

The revenue enhancement collector had miserable self-esteem: "But the revenue enhancement collector stood at a distance. He would non fifty-fifty await upward to heaven, exactly compaction his pectus too said, ‘God, bring mercy on me, a sinner.’"

It is the perspective of the revenue enhancement collector that pleases God (Psalm 51:17). Genuine repentance, humility, too gratitude are keys to spiritual growth.

*Ohio State University & Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Esteem Movement Actually Promotes H5N1 World of Pharisees The Pharisees Had High Self-Esteem

How Scripture Defines Truthful Worship

minute devotion offers only about Biblical insights How Scripture Defines True Worship

When nosotros run across mortal alongside eyes shut as well as hands upraised inwards a church building service nosotros tell they are worshiping.

But worship is then much to a greater extent than than that.

When the Samaritan adult woman at the good asked Christ nigh worship, He told her it didn't affair where she worshiped. 

He said genuine worship has 2 characteristics - it must endure done inwards spirit as well as inwards truth:
  • In Spirit: giving ourselves fully to the Lord, renewing our minds inwards His Word as well as refusing to arrange to the values of the Blue Planet is a "spiritual human activity of worship" (Romans 12:1-2).
  •  In Truth: existence honest nigh our sins as well as repenting ... clinging to the Truth of God's Word (Psalm 51:16-17) whether it's pop or non ... Deliberately learning what pleases God.
Worship is a means of life, non an event.

minute devotion offers only about Biblical insights How Scripture Defines True Worship
Why non add together only about to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwardly for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes as well as expire a costless e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

minute devotion offers only about Biblical insights How Scripture Defines True Worship

Saturday, January 30, 2021

When The Bible Is Tested For Accuracy

Notes these ways ancient manuscripts are evaluated together with come across how the Bible measures upwards When the Bible is Tested for Accuracy

In judging the accuracy of ancient manuscripts similar the writings of Plato together with Homer, government evaluate 2 things: 

1. How many copies are available for comparison inconsistencies. 

2. When was the re-create made (i.e. how long afterward the original).

Most ancient manuscripts convey nether 10 copies together with appointment chiliad addition years afterward their originals. 

But there's 1 that stands solitary equally if Someone had guaranteed it would live on inwards a higher house doubt. 

It has:
  • 5,750 ancient manuscripts inwards the master copy language
  • 25,000 inwards other languages
  • 1 manuscript dated 300 years afterward the master copy writing
  • 1 business office of the manuscript dated 35 years afterward the original
When compared, all manuscripts are equivalent except for rattling minor, insignificant differences. 

If you lot haven't already guessed, it's the New Testament. 

Isn't it ironic that despite these proofs, to a greater extent than people incertitude the validity of the Bible than whatever other ancient manuscript? 

"The grass withers together with the flowers fall, only the discussion of our God endures forever." Isaiah 40:8 

Source: Skeptics Answered past times D. James Kennedy

Notes these ways ancient manuscripts are evaluated together with come across how the Bible measures upwards When the Bible is Tested for Accuracy
Why non add together unopen to to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes together with conk a gratis e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Notes these ways ancient manuscripts are evaluated together with come across how the Bible measures upwards When the Bible is Tested for Accuracy

Have You Lot Folded Whatever Socks Today?

 but read this devotion in addition to run into if y'all don Have You Folded Any Socks Today?

God is interested inwards every item of our lives in addition to eager to convey enterprise amongst us!

One afternoon I got a telephone telephone from my four-year-old granddaughter Gracie. She was in addition to hence excited she was slurring her words, in addition to I couldn’t empathize her.

My miss got on the telephone in addition to explained they'd been doing laundry, in addition to she'd taught Gracie how to whorl her socks into a picayune bundle. As presently every bit Gracie mastered the task, she asked, “Where’s the phone? I convey to say Grammy!”

My picayune Gracie
I felt honored. The fact that sock-folding is somewhat insignificant truly made Gracie's telephone telephone to a greater extent than meaningful. Gracie knows I honey her, in addition to anything of import to her is likewise of import to me.

It's but similar my human relationship amongst God--He knows everything, but He withal loves hearing what’s on my mind, no affair how small. That's purpose of what it agency to "pray continually" every bit we're commanded inwards 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

Have y'all folded whatever socks today? God is eager to listen almost it!

 but read this devotion in addition to run into if y'all don Have You Folded Any Socks Today?
Why non add together about to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upwardly for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes in addition to larn a gratis e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

 but read this devotion in addition to run into if y'all don Have You Folded Any Socks Today?

Bible Love Notes

Less, Non More

Rachel Saint loved Jesus plenty to surrender a life of luxury for a life of hardships inward the Less, Not More

"What would yous direct maintain done, Emma?" 

"I intend I'd direct maintain chosen the inheritance." 

My 10-year-old granddaughter too I were discussing an result from the biography of Rachel Saint: 

Mrs. Parmalee, a childless millionaire, asked 17-year-old Rachel Saint if she'd dice her traveling companion, touring the cities of Europe, dining too shopping alongside the rich too famous. If Rachel agreed, Mrs. Parmalee would brand Rachel heir to her millions. 

But Rachel felt God had called her to mission go inward the jungles of South America, too thus she declined this offer. 

I appreciated my granddaughter's honesty well-nigh what she'd in all likelihood do, too I admitted that when I was 17, I'd in all likelihood direct maintain taken Mrs. Parmalee's offering too. But I added that we'd direct maintain chosen less, non more.

Rachel Saint ministered to the tribe who killed her blood brother too lived inward hard weather her entire life, only she inherited far greater treasure than Mrs. Parmalee had to offering (Matthew 6:19-20). 

What would yous direct maintain chosen at 17? How well-nigh today?

Rachel Saint loved Jesus plenty to surrender a life of luxury for a life of hardships inward the Less, Not More

Bible Love Notes

A Storey Of A Heathen Civilization In Addition To Impossible Odds

s impossible for mortal from a infidel civilization to discovery Jesus H5N1 Story of a Pagan Culture together with Impossible Odds

Ruth, the Moabite widow, turned from infidel worship to follow the truthful together with living God.

Think close that.

Moab was known for their vile infidel gods.

How could mortal raised inward such a civilization discovery truth? 

Answer: God isn't express past times cultures, languages, or faux religions. His vocalism tin live on heard past times all truthful seekers.

"You volition assay me together with discovery me when you lot assay me amongst all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

From the beginning, God has been speaking to genuine seekers wherever they are found. (Remember Rahab?)

But nosotros must sympathise this distinction: God isn't a universalist. God saves people out of faux religions, non through them.

"Salvation is constitute inward no 1 else, for at that topographic point is no other mention nether sky given to mankind past times which nosotros must live on saved.” Acts 4:12

God is able to salve anyone!

Do you lot believe this?
For to a greater extent than on this dependent area read "Are There Many Ways to Heaven?"

s impossible for mortal from a infidel civilization to discovery Jesus H5N1 Story of a Pagan Culture together with Impossible Odds
Why non add together unopen to to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes together with teach a costless e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

s impossible for mortal from a infidel civilization to discovery Jesus H5N1 Story of a Pagan Culture together with Impossible Odds

Bible Love Notes

The Honest Meet

minute devotion explains their truthful stories The Honest See

Simon Greenleaf (1783-1853), esteemed Harvard police line professor, admitted he didn't believe inward Christ's resurrection. 

 "Have yous considered the evidence?" a pupil challenged. 

Greenleaf taught his students to written report all prove earlier making conclusions, together with then he undertook an honest written report of Christ's resurrection, constitute the prove compelling, together with became a Christian. 

Dr. Francis Crick (1916-2004) won the Nobel Prize for discovering DNA. 

He admitted deoxyribonucleic acid couldn't accept come upward nearly past times jeopardy together with said the root of life was "almost a miracle." However, Crick mocked Christianity the balance of his life. 

The Bible tells us that people "suppress the truth ... because God has made it apparently to them. For since the creation of the basis God’s invisible qualities—his eternal ability together with divine nature—have been clearly seen, existence understood from what has been made, together with then that people are without excuse." Romans 1:18-20

Let's give thank yous God that He has given us together with then many proofs of His existence together with goodness. 

Sources: Francis Crick/WIKI; Greenleaf/CSI; Skeptics Answered past times D. James Kennedy
images: wiki commons, world domain

minute devotion explains their truthful stories The Honest See

Bible Love Notes

Psalm 8: When Babies Praise Jesus

Cooing babies praise God whether nosotros realize it or non Psalm 8: When Babies Praise Jesus

Cooing babies praise God whether nosotros realize it or not...

When our immature lady was born, I was a novel believer together with keenly aware of God's miracle of novel life, both physically together with spiritually. 

Baby Nicole had the sweetest habit of cooing piece she slept. And when she accompanied me to my weekly Bible written report a calendar week subsequently her birth, her coos were sweetness background "music" to our prayers. 

Psalm 8 says God ordained "the praise of children together with infants," together with I'm convinced Nicole's babe coos were simply that.*

When Christ entered Jerusalem, He said that if the crowds were silent, the rocks would outcry out (Luke 19:37-40). 

If rocks ... why non cooing babies, chirping birds, humming cicadas, rolling body of body of water waves together with rustling leaves? 

Psalm 8 too says the praise of infants silences God's enemies. If babe coos near the oral fissure of Satan, let's produce our business office to produce the same. 

Why non educate a timer today together with praise God every hour? And if you lot intend of it, delight pray for me. I volition live on traveling to Budapest, Republic of Hungary today, together with I am going to endeavour to contain praise into my 12 hr trip every bit much every bit possible.
* Psalm 8 is too referenced inward Matthew 21:16

Would you lot similar to produce a short, bite-size Bible written report on this devotion? Check it out HERE

Cooing babies praise God whether nosotros realize it or non Psalm 8: When Babies Praise Jesus
Why non add together around to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upwardly for a complimentary subscription to Bible Love Notes together with larn a complimentary e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Cooing babies praise God whether nosotros realize it or non Psalm 8: When Babies Praise Jesus

Friday, January 29, 2021

Intelligent Pattern As Well As Unintelligent Theories

 Evolution has created a theory of foolishness that defies the prove Intelligent Design in addition to Unintelligent Theories

The faces of 4 famous American Presidents tin move live on seen inward the enterprise stone of Mt. Rushmore.

Have yous e'er wondered how they got there? 

Do yous mean value it's possible that random cosmic or atmospheric weather condition created those faces? 

This is a stupid question. Anyone who sees those faces knows that someone sculpted them. 

It would live on unscientific to assume otherwise. In fact, only a fool would believe Mt. Rushmore was an accident of nature. 

Why hence produce hence many educated people believe the human torso - something far to a greater extent than complex, functional, in addition to amazing - is an accident of nature? 

"Where is the wise person? ... Has non God made foolish the wisdom of the world? ... inward the final days scoffers volition come... they deliberately forget that long agone yesteryear God’s discussion the heavens came into existence in addition to the public was formed..." 1 Corinthians 1:20 in addition to 2 Peter 3:3,5

 Evolution has created a theory of foolishness that defies the prove Intelligent Design in addition to Unintelligent Theories

Bitter Is A Bad Name

Naomi provides an interesting hold off at Bitterness in addition to piteous perspective Bitter is a Bad Name

In hardship, nosotros tin modify our cite ... or nosotros tin modify our perspective.

Let me explain:

Naomi's solid unit of measurement moved to Moab, a heathen land, because of famine inward Israel. Afterward her hubby in addition to 2 married sons died.

Because God was approbation State of Israel amongst skillful crops, the widow Naomi returned to her homeland where friends in addition to relatives welcomed her.

Her daughter-in-law Ruth vowed to never piece of employment out Naomi in addition to to worship the True in addition to Living God instead of the heathen gods of Moab.

Naomi's loss was great, only she was dorsum amidst God's people where nutrient was plentiful, she had a devoted, God-fearing daughter-in-law, in addition to she had God's comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

However, Naomi told everyone to telephone band her "Mara" (bitter) because "the Almighty has made my life rattling bitter. I went away full, only the Lord has brought me dorsum empty." (Ruth 1:21)

... empty ...

In the midst of trials, nosotros oft ignore God's loving manus of help in addition to provision. But when this happens, nosotros demand to modify our perspective, non our name. 
I encourage yous to create the Bite Size Bible Study on this devotion. It asks three questions nosotros all should answer when nosotros are going through hardship.  If you're married, I too encourage yous to read this devotion close Naomi in addition to Ruth:Was Naomi a Good Mom-in-Law?

Naomi provides an interesting hold off at Bitterness in addition to piteous perspective Bitter is a Bad Name
Why non add together around to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upward for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes in addition to instruct a costless e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Naomi provides an interesting hold off at Bitterness in addition to piteous perspective Bitter is a Bad Name

Half-Truths Close The Crusades

We take away to seat things inwards perspective as well as talk upwards when people falsely bill Christians or Half-Truths About the Crusades

Great terms has been done past times those calling themselves Christian. Critics (especially atheists) are eager to scream for this out.(1)

However, criticisms of Christianity are oft half-truths.

The Crusades for example. 

How many times accept you lot heard the Crusades brought upwards without mentioning they were a answer to vehement Muslim aggression? Muslims had previously captured the Holy Land, destroyed churches as well as killed Christians who refused to convert to Islam. 

Aspects of the Crusades were terribly wrong,(2) but they should hold upwards seat inwards historical context. 

And why non cite the evil done past times atheism? Atheistic Communism terrorized as well as oppressed one-half of Europe for forty years. Stalin lonely killed 20-60 million.(3)

Lastly, nosotros take away to await at the whole picture. Christianity has built to a greater extent than schools as well as hospitals, helped to a greater extent than needy as well as outcast, as well as brought promise to to a greater extent than people than atheism e'er will. The skillful far outweighs the bad.

Let's recognize sin committed inwards the scream of Christ, but let's hold upwards honest most it.
(1) I believe most of the evil done inwards the scream of Christ is done past times nominal Christians, non genuine believers. To justice Christianity past times the bad cases is non intellectually honest.

(2) The slaughter of Jews during the Crusades was peculiarly evil, but fades inwards comparing to Nazi Germany.
(3) This is an estimate, but as well as then much of Stalin's evil practices were kept subway scheme that it's difficult to hold upwards accurate. 
image: wiki commons, world domain

We take away to seat things inwards perspective as well as talk upwards when people falsely bill Christians or Half-Truths About the Crusades

Bible Love Notes

How Our Attending Bridge Affects Our Prayer Life

How TV Affects Our Attention Span which Affects Our Prayer Life How Our Attention Span Affects Our Prayer Life
Television tin give notice hold upwards harmful to our spiritual growth...

Did yous know that Television viewing lowers our attending spans? 

TV entertains us alongside constant, fast-paced changes that require no to a greater extent than than a few seconds of concentration at a time. According to ane study, “in a typical hour…viewers’ attending is forced to shift over viii hundred times.”(1)

Television every bit good “promotes a spectator mentality”(1), requiring no imagination or critical thinking skills.

This may hold upwards ane argue that nosotros convey problem concentrating on God’s Word as well as prayer, as well as ane argue nosotros convey problem discerning correct from wrong.

Romans 12:2-3 says: "Don’t re-create the demeanour as well as customs of this world, but allow God transform yous into a novel someone past times changing the means yous think. Then yous volition know what God wants yous to do." 

We necessitate daily doses of God’s Love Notes. Will yous bring together me today every bit I pray to hold upwards to a greater extent than diligent to “transform as well as renew” my heed inwards God’s Word? 
© copyright Gail Burton Purath, 2011
(1) Vincent Ryan Ruggiero, Warning, Nonsense is Destroying America. Thomas Nelson, 1994, p.25.

How TV Affects Our Attention Span which Affects Our Prayer Life How Our Attention Span Affects Our Prayer Life
Why non add together roughly to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes as well as decease a costless e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

How TV Affects Our Attention Span which Affects Our Prayer Life How Our Attention Span Affects Our Prayer Life

Thursday, January 28, 2021

3 Reasons Reincarnation Is Non Compatible Alongside Christianity

 Reasons Reincarnation is Not Compatible With Christianity three Reasons Reincarnation is Not Compatible With Christianity

Recently, 2 women tried to persuade me that a Christian could believe inwards reincarnation.

But they were dead incorrect (no pun intended).

Reincarnation is the belief that nosotros alive many lives until nosotros orbit perfection.

But reincarnation together with Christianity are completely incompatible:

1. Hebrews 9:27-28 says, "Just every bit people are destined to operate once, together with afterwards that to aspect upward judgment, then Christ was sacrificed ane time to accept away the sins of many; together with he volition look a mo time, non to send sin, precisely to select salvation to those who are waiting for him."

2. The Bible teaches that no ane tin orbit perfection, then it wouldn't affair how many lives nosotros live. 

3. Jesus died to salve sinners, together with the Bible makes it clear that alone those saved sinners volition last inwards heaven.

We get got 2 lives...our beliefs inwards the commencement life create upward one's take away heed our finish inwards the second.

I encourage yous to read "Have You Met a Perfect Person?" It contains a bully interrogation that a friend of mine asked a reincarnation advocate.

 Reasons Reincarnation is Not Compatible With Christianity three Reasons Reincarnation is Not Compatible With Christianity

Bible Love Notes

The Liberty Of Loving Your Enemies

This truthful even of loving enemies volition inspire as well as encourage y'all The Freedom of Loving Your Enemies

American medical teams process injured Iraqi soldiers...

90% of wounded American soldiers travel because of advances inwards medicine as well as protective gear.

New technologies were created specifically for country of war injuries, but they practise goodness everyone--something proficient coming out of the war.

But that's non the solely good...An Army nurse, who was stationed inwards Iraq, told me he oftentimes saw American medical teams process injured Iraqi soldiers. What practise y'all intend of this...healing enemies who minutes before had tried to kill Americans?

I intend it's an amazing purpose of freedom.

“Love your enemies, practise proficient to those who loathe you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you…Then your vantage volition live great, as well as y'all volition live children of the Most High, because he is form to the ungrateful as well as wicked. Be merciful, merely equally your Father is merciful.”  Luke 6:27-36

When nosotros apply this regulation to our lives as well as personal enemies, it transforms us as well as makes us really free!

This truthful even of loving enemies volition inspire as well as encourage y'all The Freedom of Loving Your Enemies
Why non add together around to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upward for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes as well as larn a gratis e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

This truthful even of loving enemies volition inspire as well as encourage y'all The Freedom of Loving Your Enemies

Don't Forget

t Forget the less fortunate at Christmas Don't Forget

Last twelvemonth vii of your brothers together with sisters celebrated Christmas inwards a chicken coop, shackled manus together with foot...for 20 days.

Why? Because they did something illegal inwards Laos--they gathered to celebrate Christ's birth. The law arrested them.

The side yesteryear side 20 days, they celebrated the persecution of their Savior instead of his joyful birth. 

Open Doors ministry building says, "persecution together with Christmas oft become hand-in-hand for Christians inwards over sixty countries merely about the world." 

Most of y'all reading this volition celebrate Christmas alongside friends or household unit of measurement inwards comfortable homes alongside special foods together with luxury gifts. 

There's no argue for us to hold out ashamed of our blessings....unless nosotros forgot those who are less fortunate, peculiarly those who endure for the Name inwards a higher identify all Names (Matthew 25:34-40). 

These are our brothers together with sisters. How volition nosotros manage them this year? Please accept fourth dimension during your Christmas celebration to pray for those who are suffering.

t Forget the less fortunate at Christmas Don't Forget
Why non add together some to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwards for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes together with larn a gratis e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

t Forget the less fortunate at Christmas Don't Forget

A Psalm To Pray For The Oppressed

God expects us to utter upward for the oppressed...

I'm peculiarly disturbed yesteryear the growth inwards human trafficking inwards our world. It's a perverse evil to role human lives without consider for God or human being (Psalm 10:6-1).

My pump breaks for the victims, simply I frequently don't know how to pray.

Psalm 10 is a perfect prayer for human trafficking victims or victims of whatsoever oppression. 

Verse 15 asks God to punish those whose sins are "underground"-- concealed from the public, sins against the fatherless as well as oppressed (v.18). 

God doesn't halt all oppression, simply He promises the close severe penalization for those who terms children (Mark 9:42) as well as calls all of us to utter upward for those who cannot defend themselves (Proverbs 31:8). 

One means nosotros tin produce our business office is to pray. Why non pray through Psalm 10:12-15 today (or every day) as well as utter upward for those who cannot utter upward for themselves. 

God expects us to utter upward for the oppressed H5N1 Psalm to Pray for the Oppressed
Why non add together or as well as then to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upward for a gratis subscription to Bible Love Notes as well as give-up the ghost a gratis e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

God expects us to utter upward for the oppressed H5N1 Psalm to Pray for the Oppressed

Laugh Out Loud

 It was business office of a serial that highlighted the patient honey of God despite mankind Laugh Out Loud

I wrote a devotion called Things That Make Me Sad: Cain. It was business office of a serial that highlighted the patient honey of God despite mankind's persistent disobedience.  

When I pinned it on Pinterest, I got this comment: 
"Laugh out loud...he flooded THE ENTIRE EARTH in addition to killed everyone in addition to everything. That's honey in addition to patience? WHAT." 

This comment is such a adept representative of mankind's mental attitude toward God:

1. Most men never conduct keep fourth dimension to acquire the Gospel accurately earlier rejecting it: God warned mankind for decades preceding the flood. And God saved all who responded (Genesis 6).* 

2. Most men express mirth out loud at God's love. The alluvion was a foreshadowing of every man's eternal choice. Some, similar Noah, volition pick out to honey God. Many, similar those who perished inward the flood, volition mock God's love. 

This human being has no excuse. I pray he opens his eyes to the testify of God everywhere (Romans 1:20).
* Noah's household unit of measurement was the alone God-fearing household unit of measurement on earth. This human being likewise had his facts incorrect when he said God destroyed everything--God saved many of the animals

 It was business office of a serial that highlighted the patient honey of God despite mankind Laugh Out Loud