Monday, December 7, 2020

Priorities Together With Our Jealous God

minute devotion talks well-nigh avoiding things that arouse God Priorities together with Our Jealous God

The 10 Commandments laid about alongside potent warnings to worship exclusively God: 

"I, the LORD your God, am a jealous* God who volition non tolerate your affection for whatever other gods" (Exodus 20:5).

Typically, nosotros mean value of "other gods" equally heathen deities, but genuine Christians tin violate this commandment through incorrect priorities--whenever nosotros house expert things higher upwardly God. 

It could locomote our family, our profession, our comfort, fifty-fifty our ministry.

Believers tin brand God jealous through "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, together with the pride of life" (1 John 2:15-17).

minute devotion talks well-nigh avoiding things that arouse God Priorities together with Our Jealous God
But our most typical idolatry equally Christians is letting expert things crowd out God's purposes for our lives (Ephesians 2:10).

Take about fourth dimension today to review your priorities.

God is jealous for our undivided love. Let's give it to Him.
*Jealous is ordinarily a negative word, simply non when used yesteryear God. He is appropriately jealous similar a married adult man would locomote jealous if his married adult woman had an matter alongside about other man. For to a greater extent than see: Our Jealous God

When nosotros brand Jesus our #1 priority, all other priorities autumn into place. For to a greater extent than on this come across "Rolling Right." 

minute devotion talks well-nigh avoiding things that arouse God Priorities together with Our Jealous God
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