Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Deception Backfires

We tin bathroom larn a keen lesson from the bad instance of Rebekah Deception Backfires

God spoke to Rebekah when the twins Esau in addition to Jacob were born: "One people volition locomote stronger than the other, in addition to the older volition serve the younger" (Genesis 25:23).

Jacob was the younger, but Rebekah didn't trust God's blessing. 

She convinced Jacob to deceive his father in addition to hence he could have Esau's approving (Genesis 27:27-29).

When the deception was revealed, Esau was enraged in addition to Jacob fled for his life.

Rebekah's failure to trust God resulted inwards a multiple sins in addition to losses. It's probable that she died without seeing Jacob again, in addition to Jacob faced about difficult lessons when his hereafter father-in-law deceived him merely every bit he'd deceived his father.(1)

Romans 15:4 says that everything written inwards the Old Testament was written to instruct us. 

So let's larn from Rebekah's bad example.

When we're tempted to accept things into our ain hands, let's destination in addition to mean value nearly Rebekah's foolish choices in addition to trust God instead. 
(1) Jacob was tricked into marrying the incorrect sister.

We tin bathroom larn a keen lesson from the bad instance of Rebekah Deception Backfires
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We tin bathroom larn a keen lesson from the bad instance of Rebekah Deception Backfires