Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Reaping, Sowing & Tangled Webs

There are remarkable similarities betwixt the means Jacob deceived his manful somebody bring upwards together with the means he Reaping, Sowing & Tangled Webs

"Oh, what a tangled spider web nosotros weave when kickoff nosotros practise to deceive!"  Walter Scott 

Not all things inwards life come about amongst equality. Some rewards together with punishments must expect for heaven. 

But deception oft brings earthly results. 

The Bible gives us an first-class example: Jacob together with his woman bring upwards successfully tricked Isaac into giving Jacob his older brother's approbation (Genesis 27). 

Fast frontward together with nosotros detect that Jacob meets his match. After working 7 years to wed Rachel, her manful somebody bring upwards Laban tricks Jacob into marrying her older sis Leah. 

There are remarkable similarities: Jacob concealed his identity to brand his manful somebody bring upwards mean value he was his brother. Laban concealed Leah's identity to brand Jacob mean value she was her sister.

Jacob stole his older brother's approbation together with ended upwards equally "the older sister's blessing" (Genesis 29:16-27). 

God seemed to approve of Jacobs's consequences past times approbation Leah amongst many children together with placing her inwards the linage of Christ* (Genesis 35:23-24).

Galatians 6:7 volition eventually essay out true, either hither on public or inwards heaven: "God cannot travel mocked. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 human reaps what he sows." 
* Through her boy Judah
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There are remarkable similarities betwixt the means Jacob deceived his manful somebody bring upwards together with the means he Reaping, Sowing & Tangled Webs
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There are remarkable similarities betwixt the means Jacob deceived his manful somebody bring upwards together with the means he Reaping, Sowing & Tangled Webs