Thursday, December 24, 2020

Give Me Truth!

Peace is non a godly thing when you lot pay also high a cost Give Me Truth!

"Peace is such a precious jewel...I would give anything for it but truth." Matthew Henry, Bible scholar

"Is life then dear, or peace then sweet, every bit to last purchased at the cost of chains in addition to slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!" Patrick Henry, American Patriot

If nosotros desire to last admired in addition to respected yesteryear our civilization in addition to alive at peace amongst everyone no affair what they practice or believe, nosotros must deny Scripture.

Why? Because the message of the cross is foolish to unbelievers (1 Corinthians 1:18). In fact, Scripture says our salvation makes us give off an "aroma of death" merely about them (2 Corinthians 2:15-16). 

Jesus warns us: "If you lot endeavor to hang on to your life, you lot volition lose it. But if you lot surrender your life for my sake, you lot volition salvage it. ... If anyone is ashamed of me in addition to my message, the Son of Man volition last ashamed of that individual when he returns inwards his glory in addition to inwards the glory of the Father in addition to the holy angels" (Luke 9:24-26).

A sober warning. Let's head it.

Peace is non a godly thing when you lot pay also high a cost Give Me Truth!
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Peace is non a godly thing when you lot pay also high a cost Give Me Truth!