Monday, December 7, 2020

Follow The Leader

minute devotion encourages us to evidence who nosotros are next Follow The Leader

Judge your leaders past times how good they learn as well as alive God's Word

Leaders larn to a greater extent than recognition, merely zero would larn done without faithful followers.

When nosotros larn to heaven, we'll encounter many "behind-the-scene" followers rewarded for their kingdom work.

But next tin likewise larn us into trouble.

Aaron did fine when he followed his godly blood brother Moses (Exodus 4:12-16). But he messed upward large fourth dimension when he followed the idolatrous crowd inwards the Golden Calf incident (Exodus 32:1-4). And he blew it when he joined Miriam's jealous rebellion against Moses (Numbers 12).*

Scripture says "Bad companionship corrupts proficient character" (1 Corinthians 15:33). That's why nosotros quest to evaluate the grapheme of those nosotros follow. And fifty-fifty when nosotros follow godly leaders, nosotros quest to cheque their decisions alongside Scripture.

The Bible is our almost of import resources for knowing what pleases Christ (Ephesians 5:8-17). 

* Scripture doesn't specifically country Miriam was the leader. God rebuked both her as well as Aaron, merely he punished Miriam. This fact as well as the fact that Aaron had followed bad advice inwards the past times leads me to believe he was next Miriam's atomic number 82 inwards this situation.

Would yous similar to create a Bite Size Bible Study on this devotion as well as encounter 2 additional Scriptural examples of proficient as well as bad following? Check it out HERE.

minute devotion encourages us to evidence who nosotros are next Follow The Leader