Monday, December 7, 2020

Don't Permit Others Produce Your Thinking

s nada incorrect amongst sharing opinions unless they are presented every bit facts Don't Let Others Do Your Thinking

Opinions shift, change, twist too turn.  

Facts are permanent too unbending.

God's words are fact (Psalm 12:6). 

Bible teachers too pastors can't assistance only include thoughts too opinions when explaining Scripture, only skillful teachers brand their listeners aware when they create this. And they never part thoughts or opinions that contradict Scripture. 

For example, a pastor may country his congregation what he believes Martha was thinking when she ran to run across Jesus afterwards Lazarus' expiry too what Mary was thinking when she waited. I've heard this done to illustrate to a greater extent than or less appear of Christian faith. But it's of import to know that the Bible doesn't country us what Martha too Mary were thinking. 

Unfortunately, to a greater extent than or less teachers purposely acquaint their opinions every bit Scripture or accept Scripture passages out of context too twist the pregnant (2 Peter 3:16-17).

That's why it's too therefore of import that nosotros know Scripture for ourselves (2 Timothy 2:15).

Image source: Billy Frank Alexander
s nada incorrect amongst sharing opinions unless they are presented every bit facts Don't Let Others Do Your Thinking
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s nada incorrect amongst sharing opinions unless they are presented every bit facts Don't Let Others Do Your Thinking