Monday, December 7, 2020

He Developed A Curriculum Of Survival Piece Inwards Prison Theatre - Virile Someone Rear Placid

A wonderful truthful storey of faith inward a Communist prison theater He Developed a Curriculum of Survival While inward Prison - Father Placid

When the Hungarian Priest, Father Placid, was imprisoned inward Russia, He became a pastor to the other prisoners...

"Communism ready out to destroy me, merely Communism is gone, in addition to I am nonetheless here!” Father Placid. 

Several years ago, I met Father Placid, a 95-year-old Hungarian priest. 

I was at in 1 lawsuit captured past times his cheerful countenance, animated gestures, in addition to frequent laughter. You’d never gauge that this happy, gentle human being had spent 10 years of his life beaten, starved, in addition to forced into difficult undertaking inward an inhumane Siberian prison theater camp. 

His crime: outspoken dearest for God in addition to man.

A wonderful truthful storey of faith inward a Communist prison theater He Developed a Curriculum of Survival While inward Prison - Father Placid
When Father Placid realized God wanted him to encourage his immature human being prisoners, he developed a "Curriculum of Survival":

1. Don't complain. It makes things worse.   Philippians 2:14-16
2. Find reasons to rejoice (an extra slice of murphy inward your sparse soup; a guard who doesn’t brand y'all take your chapeau inward the icy wind).   Philippians 4:4-9
3. Remember you're never alone. Jesus is amongst you.   Hebrews 13:5
4. Show the guards you're dissimilar because of your faith.  Matthew 5:16

These principles tin give notice assistance us intend in addition to human activity similar Christians any our circumstances, freeing us from all types of "prisons."

Thank-you, Father Placid!

Update: In 2017, Father Placid met the Lord face-to-face. He was 100 years old.
Father Placid Turns 100
Father Placid Passes

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A wonderful truthful storey of faith inward a Communist prison theater He Developed a Curriculum of Survival While inward Prison - Father Placid
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