Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sin Together With Typewriters

An amusing but profound truthful storey most mankind Sin in addition to Typewriters

I accept an old Hungarian typewriter.

I gave my grandchildren instructions non to play alongside it because I know how excited in addition to careless they tin get. They're kids afterwards all.

The other twenty-four hours piece standing nigh the typewriter, my 4-year-old grandson looked me inward the oculus in addition to said, "Grammy, sometimes my paw merely moves over at that topographic point in addition to plays alongside that typewriter."

I tried non to express joy in addition to told him he would accept to command that hand. 

His confession is a humorous representative of the excuses nosotros fallen humans use. My niggling munchkin didn't actually acknowledge fault. It was his paw that was the problem, non his heart.

We're masters at excusing, sidestepping, in addition to contorting the truth. I run across it inward areas of "group think" when people justify things that contradict the facts in addition to on a personal degree when nosotros excuse our sins.

1 John 1:9-10 tells us that whenever nosotros excuse or redefine sin, we're calling God a liar -- a sober warning.
An amusing but profound truthful storey most mankind Sin in addition to Typewriters
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An amusing but profound truthful storey most mankind Sin in addition to Typewriters