Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Accurate Theology - Acts 17:11

minutedevotion explains how to avoid fault Accurate Theology - Acts 17:11

We should live on similar the Bereans, checking everything against God's Word...

“We are all theologians, either skillful ones or bad ones. I'd rather live on a skillful one. Wouldn't you?” ― Randy Alcorn, Courageous

Sometimes I'm surprised yesteryear the confidence nosotros accept when nosotros limited theological principles without commencement checking Scripture. And I'm non talking most unbelievers. I'm talking most y'all in addition to me who believe in addition to confess to trust the Bible.

Many pop Christian beliefs are based on error. That's because nosotros frequently larn our theology from people instead of the Bible. 

I'm non maxim nosotros shouldn't allow others learn us, but it e'er comes downward to checking everything nosotros postulate heed yesteryear Scripture, simply similar the faithful Bereans (Acts 17:11).

Since theology agency "the written report of the nature of God," nosotros should all live on skillful theologians. And nosotros larn skillful theologians yesteryear studying God's Words commencement in addition to foremost.

Some other devotions on bad theology:
Trojan Horse series
The "Unconditional" Dilemma
God Doesn't View All Sins the Same
God WILL Give Us More Than We Can Handle

minutedevotion explains how to avoid fault Accurate Theology - Acts 17:11
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minutedevotion explains how to avoid fault Accurate Theology - Acts 17:11