Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Choosing The Ancient Paths

minute devotion explains what that way to us today Choosing the Ancient Paths

I left my hubby at the aerodrome in addition to traveled dwelling at the legal speed limit. At times it seemed I was standing nonetheless equally cars passed me left in addition to right.

I sometimes experience similar that when it comes to my moral values too. 

The basis no longer obeys God's "safe speed limits."

In truth, most folks aren't fifty-fifty on the same path that Christians travel. They're on the wide highway amongst "rest stops" of abortion, assisted suicide, homosexuality, premarital gender activity in addition to other sins that Pb them farther away from God's grace in addition to deliverance.(1)

They believe God's commands are speed traps based on outdated, irrelevant laws.

But the Lord says "Stand at the crossroads in addition to look; inquire for the ancient paths, inquire where the skillful way is, in addition to walk inwards it, in addition to you lot volition respect residual for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16

The traffic is heavy on the wide highway that leads to destruction, in addition to sometimes it gets distracting (Matthew 7:13-14).

But nosotros tin rest on the ancient paths past times keeping our eyes on the Lord (Proverbs 4:27). 

(1) What God's Word says about:
abortion assisted suicide homosexuality premarital sex 

minute devotion explains what that way to us today Choosing the Ancient Paths
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minute devotion explains what that way to us today Choosing the Ancient Paths