Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Rejecting Inexpensive Grace

 Repentance agency diligently turning from sin Rejecting Cheap Grace

Modern Christianity ofttimes teaches "cheap grace." That's why these three truths are then important:

1. Good industrial plant don't salve us, but truthful believers produce adept works.
We've got Ephesians 2:8-9 down, but nosotros don't ever recollect James 2:14-26.

2. Repentance agency diligently turning from sin, non but maxim "forgive me."
Most of us empathise the approbation of forgiveness, but nosotros ofttimes avoid genuine confession in addition to repentance (Matthew 3:8 & Acts 26:20).

3. Christ expects us to brand difficult choices for Him.  We empathise that Christ loved us spell nosotros were nevertheless sinners, but we've forgotten His sentiment of halfhearted devotion (Luke 14:25-34).

Christian lifestyles convey grown increasingly similar to non-Christian lifestyles. We're making slowly choices instead of godly ones.

Let's dear Jesus wholeheartedly. When nosotros do, nosotros volition automatically serve Him wholeheartedly. 

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 Repentance agency diligently turning from sin Rejecting Cheap Grace
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 Repentance agency diligently turning from sin Rejecting Cheap Grace