Friday, December 18, 2020

Never Alone

minute devotion gives you lot 2 Bible truths to concur on to Never Alone

Are you lot ever lonely?

Most of us instruct through lonely periods: afterward we've moved to a novel place where nosotros convey no friends; when we're going through 1 of life's transitions, such equally becoming an empty-nester; afterward the give-up the ghost of a loved one.

But nosotros tin also experience lonely inward a household sum of children or a room sum of friends.

Loneliness is sometimes a reminder that at that spot volition ever hold upward a piddling empty house inward our hearts until nosotros run into Jesus face-to-face.

But here's 2 truths most loneliness:
1. We're never actually lone when nosotros know Jesus.
Hebrews 13:5: God has said, "Never volition I instruct out you; never volition I forsake you."

2. Loneliness solely exists this side of heaven.
We'll never hold upward lonely, bored, confused, misunderstood, forgotten, unloved, unappreciated, or mistreated inward eternity (1 Corinthians 13:12).

It's proficient to dwell on these thoughts whenever we're lonely.
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To read unopen to encouraging passages related to this devotion, banking concern represent out today's Bite Size Bible study.

minute devotion gives you lot 2 Bible truths to concur on to Never Alone