Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Biggest Of The Large Ten

Several years agone I helped survey people alongside this inquiry The Biggest of the Big Ten

“Have you lot obeyed the Ten Commandments?”

Several years agone I helped survey people alongside this question. Surprisingly, many Americans answered “yes” without hesitation or qualification.

However, the rattling First Commandment blows all of us out of the water. 

“Do non worship whatever other gods likewise me.” Exodus 20:3

This way always giving God root priority inwards our lives. 

Our other gods tin sack live on obvious similar drugs, alcohol, or sex, exactly to a greater extent than oft they are subtle similar job, money, position, popularity. 

We tin sack fifty-fifty prioritize our put unit of measurement or Christian ministry building higher upwards God! 

And nosotros all worship occasionally at the altar of Self (self-pity, self-righteousness, self-pride, selfishness).

The First Commandment is the nearly of import (Matthew 22:37--38). 

It’s the message of the Bible, the role of our lives. Christ gives us ability to obey it, in addition to thus today let’s inquire Him to attention us put the other gods inwards our lives in addition to dethrone them. 

Several years agone I helped survey people alongside this inquiry The Biggest of the Big Ten