Monday, December 14, 2020

The Encouraging Footprints Of Psalm 77

The Psalmist had a troubled nighttime thus he comforted himself amongst the retentiveness of to a greater extent than or less unseen The Encouraging Footprints of Psalm 77

He was thus distressed he couldn't sleep.

Looking through his chamber window we'd bring seen him groaning, tears running downward his face, equally good grieved to speak, his arms outstretched for hours. 

He was thus depression he felt God had rejected him.

Then he took his thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) yesteryear reminding himself:

1. God is holy as well as corking (Psalm 77:13).
2. He's miraculous as well as powerful (14).
3. He redeems men as well as women (15).
4. He's inward command of nature as well as everything else (16-18).
5. He guides His people visibly as well as invisibly (19-20).

Pondering God's grapheme is a proficient agency to become our minds dorsum on runway when we're distressed. And the concluding betoken is thus important: God's solutions may surprise us: 

Your path led through the sea, your agency through the mighty waters, though your footprints were non seen. You led your people similar a flock yesteryear the paw of Moses as well as Aaron. Psalm 77:19-20

For the whole floor of Asaph's stressful nighttime as well as wise solution, meet Psalm 77.

For a curt Bible report on this devotion as well as the Biblical pregnant of peace, cheque out today's Bite Size Bible Study.  

The Psalmist had a troubled nighttime thus he comforted himself amongst the retentiveness of to a greater extent than or less unseen The Encouraging Footprints of Psalm 77
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The Psalmist had a troubled nighttime thus he comforted himself amongst the retentiveness of to a greater extent than or less unseen The Encouraging Footprints of Psalm 77