Sunday, December 27, 2020

Cain Provides An Example To Avoid

 of import truths from the bad instance of Cain Cain Provides an Example to Avoid

Cain is an infamous instance of the self-centered life:
Scripture says Cain was exclusively interested inwards personal earnings (Jude 1:11), as well as he was jealous of anyone who real loved God plenty to alive righteously (1 John 3:12).

To avoid Cain's errors:

    1. We must empathise that organized faith is non only outward religious acts. We shouldn't create things only to "look good" (Matthew 6:1; Matthew 15:1-9). 

    2. We must carefully head to as well as obey the warnings God gives inwards His Word (James 1:22).

    3. We must believe God when He says nosotros volition reap what nosotros sow (Galatians 6:7).

    4. We must repent real (James 4:7-10).

      Christians don't accept the spirit of Cain because he belonged to Satan (1 John 3:12), but nosotros tin forcefulness out present approximately "Cainish" behaviour if nosotros aren't daily examining ourselves.

      To await a chip to a greater extent than at Cain's life, banking concern check out the Bite Size Bible Study HERE.

       of import truths from the bad instance of Cain Cain Provides an Example to Avoid
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       of import truths from the bad instance of Cain Cain Provides an Example to Avoid

      Bible Love Notes