Monday, December 7, 2020

Monkey See, Monkey Non Do!

Science proves an interesting fact nigh the learning styles of babies Monkey See, Monkey Not Do!

Contrary to the proverb "Monkey see. Monkey do," scientists comparison human toddlers to apes institute toddlers larn to a greater extent than rapidly because they simulate others, spell apes larn past times lawsuit as well as error. (Scientific American).

Imitation involves observing, mimicking, as well as practicing. Little girls simulate their moms past times “playing house.” Little boys simulate sports heroes past times watching games as well as practicing what they see.

Science proves an interesting fact nigh the learning styles of babies Monkey See, Monkey Not Do!
Of course, it matters who nosotros imitate:

Ephesians 5:1,2 says, “be imitators of God, every bit dearest children; as well as walk inwards love, simply every bit Christ every bit good loved you lot as well as gave Himself upward for us…”

No ane is to a greater extent than worthy of simulated than God. 

To hit skills, nosotros move hard--we study, practice, as well as intern. But nosotros typically accept our Christian walk less seriously.

Only God tin dismiss alter us, but nosotros possess got a responsibleness to diligently simulate His graphic symbol as well as His ways. We produce this through Bible study, fellowship, as well as prayer. Let's pray to move to a greater extent than similar God as well as less similar monkeys!


Science proves an interesting fact nigh the learning styles of babies Monkey See, Monkey Not Do!
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